Non-Adiabatic Meson Theory of Nuclear Forces | 1950/05/15 | English | 20 |
Hall Effect in Ferromagnetics | 1954/09/01 | English | 20 |
Interactions between Light Waves in a Nonlinear Dielectric | 1962/09/15 | English | 20 |
Domain Formation and Domain Wall Motions in Ferroelectric BaTiO3Single Crystals | 1954/08/01 | English | 20 |
Superconductivity in a Strong Spin-Exchange Field | 1964/08/03 | English | 20 |
Simplified Theory of Space-Charge-Limited Currents in an Insulator with Traps | 1956/09/15 | English | 20 |
Stark Effect in Rapidly Varying Fields | 1955/10/15 | English | 20 |
The Normal Modes and Frequencies of Vibration of the Regular Plane Hexagon Model of the Benzene Molecule | 1934/05/15 | English | 19 |
Residual Entropy of Square Ice | 1967/10/05 | English | 19 |
Dynamical Structure and Definition of Energy in General Relativity | 1959/12/01 | English | 19 |
New Magnetic Anisotropy | 1957/02/01 | English | 19 |
Ground-State Energy of a Many-Fermion System. II | 1960/06/01 | English | 19 |
Polarization of Nuclei in Metals | 1953/10/15 | English | 19 |
Analytic Properties of Bloch Waves and Wannier Functions | 1959/08/15 | English | 19 |
Theory of the Effect of Spin-Orbit Coupling on Magnetic Resonance in Some Semiconductors | 1954/10/15 | English | 18 |
Transport Phenomena in a Completely Ionized Gas | 1953/03/01 | English | 18 |
Precision Measurements of the Lattice Constants of Twelve Common Metals | 1925/06/01 | English | 18 |
Observation of Anderson Localization in an Electron Gas | 1969/05/15 | English | 18 |
Electron Correlations at Metallic Densities | 1968/12/10 | English | 18 |
Coherent-Potential Model of Substitutional Disordered Alloys | 1967/04/15 | English | 18 |
A Theory of Intensity Distribution in Band Systems | 1926/12/01 | English | 18 |
Antiferromagnetism. Theory of Superexchange Interaction | 1950/07/15 | English | 18 |
Piezoresistance Effect in Germanium and Silicon | 1954/04/01 | English | 17 |
Infrared Spectra of Ferrites | 1955/09/15 | English | 17 |
Bose-Einstein Condensation and Liquid Helium | 1956/11/01 | English | 17 |
On the Process of Space Quantization | 1936/02/15 | English | 17 |
Theory of the Rotational Brownian Motion of a Free Rigid Body | 1960/07/01 | English | 17 |
Theory of the Anomalous Skin Effect in Normal and Superconducting Metals | 1958/07/15 | English | 17 |
Motion of Electrons and Holes in Perturbed Periodic Fields | 1955/02/15 | English | 17 |
Anisotropy of the Electronic Work Function of Metals | 1941/11/01 | English | 17 |