Proceedings - Mathematical Sciences

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Hamiltonian cycles in polyhedral maps2017/08/24English
Hybrid mean value of $$\varvec{2k}$$ 2 k -th power inversion of $$\varvec{L}$$ L -functions and general quartic Gauss sums2019/02/25English
On some ternary pure exponential diophantine equations with three consecutive positive integers bases2019/03/11English
Comparison between two differential graded algebras in noncommutative geometry2019/03/11English
Cross-sections of the multicorns2019/03/11English
Combinatorial identities for tenth order mock theta functions2019/04/20English
An identity on generalized derivations involving multilinear polynomials in prime rings2019/04/20English
Coleman automorphisms of holomorphs of completely reducible and almost simple groups2018/10/25English
Existence of positive solutions to semilinear elliptic problems with nonlinear boundary condition2018/10/25English
On the family of elliptic curves $$\varvec{y^2=x^3-m^2x+p^2}$$ y 2 = x 3 - m 2 x + p 22018/10/25English
Set of periods of a subshift2018/10/25English
On some results for a class of meromorphic functions having quasiconformal extension2018/10/25English
On the numerical solution of nonlinear integral equations on non-rectangular domains utilizing thin plate spline collocation method2019/08/09English
A generalization of total graphs2018/04/01English
Means of some arithmetical functions on shifted smooth numbers in arithmetic progression2019/06/17English
Finite groups with specific number of cyclic subgroups2019/06/17English
Euler’s criterion for eleventh power nonresidues2019/04/25English
Spectrum of some weighted composition operators2019/06/12English
Maximal regularity for non-autonomous stochastic evolution equations in UMD Banach spaces2017/11/01English
Inhomogeneous diophantine approximation with prime constraints2018/07/25English
Certain Somos’s $$\varvec{P}$$ P – $$\varvec{Q}$$ Q type Dedekind $$\varvec{\eta }$$ η -function identities2018/07/25English
Analytic sets and extension of holomorphic maps of positive codimension2018/06/01English
Line bundles and flat connections2017/05/04English
Analysing the Wu metric on a class of eggs in ℂ n – I2017/04/01English
On certain geodesic conjugacies of flat cylinders2017/05/04English
A complete classification of minimal non-PS-groups2014/11/01English
A sharp Rogers–Shephard type inequality for Orlicz-difference body of planar convex bodies2014/11/01English
Interpolation for a subclass of H ∞2014/08/01English
Nash equilibria via duality and homological selection2014/11/01English