Proceedings - Mathematical Sciences

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On the asymptotic of an eigenvalue problem with 2n interior singularities2009/11/01English
Upper packing dimension of a measure and the limit distribution of products of i.i.d. stochastic matrices2009/11/01English
Lenstra theorem in number fields2014/11/01English
Meromorphic connections on vector bundles over curves2014/11/01English
On commuting operator exponentials, II2013/02/01English
Density of primes in l-th power residues2013/02/01English
On the L p affine isoperimetric inequalities2011/11/01English
(2n − 1)-Ideal amenability of triangular banach algebras2015/05/01English
Deficiently extremal Gorenstein algebras2011/08/01English
Composition operators between Bloch type spaces and Zygmund spaces in the unit ball2011/08/01English
Existence of solution of the pullback equation involving volume forms2011/08/01English
On diophantine equations of the form ${({\boldsymbol x}-{\boldsymbol a}_{\bf 1})({\boldsymbol x}-{\boldsymbol a}_{\bf 2}) \ldots ({\boldsymbol x}-{\boldsymbol a}_{\boldsymbol k}) + {\boldsymbol r} = {\boldsymbol y}^{ \boldsymbol n}}$2011/08/01English
Value functions for certain class of Hamilton Jacobi equations2011/08/01English
Hypersurfaces in simply connected space forms2008/11/01English
Local duality for 2-dimensional local ring2008/11/01English
Frobenius splitting of projective toric bundles2018/02/01English
Codismantlability and projective dimension of the Stanley–Reisner ring of special hypergraphs2018/02/01English
No hexavalent half-arc-transitive graphs of order twice a prime square exist2018/02/01English
Qualitative behaviour of incompressible two-phase flows with phase transitions: The isothermal case2017/11/01English
Characterizations of the power distribution by record values2016/03/07English
Quantitative metric theory of continued fractions2016/03/22English
Hypersurfaces in nearly Kaehler manifold $$\pmb {\mathbb {S}}^{\varvec{3}}\varvec{\times } \pmb {\mathbb {S}}^{\varvec{3}}$$ S 3 × S 32017/08/08English
Analysing the Wu metric on a class of eggs in ℂ n – II2017/05/05English
New modular relations involving cubes of the Göllnitz–Gordon functions2017/05/05English
p-Adic valuation of the Morgan–Voyce sequence and p-regularity2017/02/13English
Counting rises and levels in r-color compositions2017/02/13English
Permutation representations of the orbits of the automorphism group of a finite module over discrete valuation ring2017/02/13English
Diamond lemma for the group graded quasi-algebras2016/07/18English
Harder–Narasimhan filtration for rank 2 tensors and stable coverings2016/06/22English