International Soil and Water Conservation Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Emerging pollutants in the environment: A challenge for water resource management2015/03/01English576
Conservation tillage impacts on soil, crop and the environment2015/06/01English382
Using the USLE: Chances, challenges and limitations of soil erosion modelling2019/09/01English360
Influence of salinity and water content on soil microorganisms2015/12/01English350
Soil loss estimation using GIS and Remote sensing techniques: A case of Koga watershed, Northwestern Ethiopia2016/06/01English220
Assessment of spatial and seasonal water quality variation of Oum Er Rbia River (Morocco) using multivariate statistical techniques2016/12/01English201
Sustainability issues on rice–wheat cropping system2016/03/01English186
Water quality and sediment contamination assessment of Pazarsuyu Stream, Turkey using multivariate statistical methods and pollution indicators2019/03/01English178
Natural and anthropogenic rates of soil erosion2017/06/01English164
Effects of rainfall patterns on runoff and soil erosion in field plots2015/12/01English161
Identification of suitable sites for rainwater harvesting structures in arid and semi-arid regions: A review2016/06/01English153
Land use and land cover changes and Soil erosion in Yezat Watershed, North Western Ethiopia2017/06/01English147
The assessment of water-borne erosion at catchment level using GIS-based RUSLE and remote sensing: A review2019/03/01English144
Effect of land use land cover dynamics on hydrological response of watershed: Case study of Tekeze Dam watershed, northern Ethiopia2017/03/01English143
The assessment of soil loss by water erosion in China2020/12/01English136
Integrated universal soil loss equation (USLE) and Geographical Information System (GIS) for soil erosion estimation in A Sap basin: Central Vietnam2018/06/01English136
Impact of urbanization on groundwater recharge and urban water balance for the city of Hyderabad, India2018/03/01English117
Evaluation of soil loss estimation using the RUSLE model and SCS-CN method in hillslope mining areas2018/03/01English106
Factors affecting adoption of soil and water conservation practices: The case of Wereillu Woreda (District), South Wollo Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia2017/12/01English98
Awareness and adoption of land, soil and water conservation practices in the Chinyanja Triangle, Southern Africa2017/06/01English86
Factors influencing the adoption of physical soil and water conservation practices in the Ethiopian highlands2018/03/01English85
A GIS-based approach for identifying potential sites for harvesting rainwater in the Western Desert of Iraq2018/12/01English85
Effects of rice husk biochar on selected soil properties and nitrate leaching in loamy sand and clay soil2019/09/01English85
A systematic review of soil erosion control practices on the agricultural land in Asia2020/06/01English83
Grid-cell based assessment of soil erosion potential for identification of critical erosion prone areas using USLE, GIS and remote sensing: A case study in the Kapgari watershed, India2017/09/01English82
Improving cover and management factor (C-factor) estimation using remote sensing approaches for tropical regions2019/12/01English81
Improved USLE-K factor prediction: A case study on water erosion areas in China2016/09/01English78
Prediction of spatial land use changes based on LCM in a GIS environment for Desert Wetlands – A case study: Meighan Wetland, Iran2019/03/01English77
Soil loss estimation using rusle model to prioritize erosion control in KELANI river basin in Sri Lanka2019/06/01English76
Determinants of farmers’ perception to invest in soil and water conservation technologies in the North-Western Highlands of Ethiopia2017/03/01English75