Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Microscopy cell counting and detection with fully convolutional regression networks2016/05/02English140
Holistic classification of CT attenuation patterns for interstitial lung diseases via deep convolutional neural networks2016/06/06English104
A CNN-based methodology for breast cancer diagnosis using thermal images2020/10/04English54
Deep similarity learning for multimodal medical images2016/04/06English53
An anatomical region-based statistical shape model of the human femur2014/02/07English50
Multi-scale structured CNN with label consistency for brain MR image segmentation2016/06/22English38
A data-driven investigation and estimation of optimal topologies under variable loading configurations2015/08/20English36
Fine-tuned convolutional neural nets for cardiac MRI acquisition plane recognition2015/08/13English32
Convolutional networks for kidney segmentation in contrast-enhanced CT scans2016/04/28English30
A Transfer Learning and U-Net-based automatic detection of diabetic retinopathy from fundus images2022/01/06English29
A resolution adaptive deep hierarchical (RADHicaL) learning scheme applied to nuclear segmentation of digital pathology images2016/04/28English26
Structure and variability in human tongue muscle anatomy2016/04/08English26
Convolutional neural networks for real-time epileptic seizure detection2016/07/13English24
Computational mammography using deep neural networks2016/03/14English24
Efficient computation of cartilage contact pressures within dynamic simulations of movement2016/05/13English23
Efficient Framework for Brain Tumour Classification using Hierarchical Deep Learning Neural Network Classifier2022/08/20English23
A high-resolution atlas and statistical model of the vocal tract from structural MRI2014/07/07English22
A system for the detection of melanomas in dermoscopy images using shape and symmetry features2015/05/12English21
3D reconstruction of rib cage geometry from biplanar radiographs using a statistical parametric model approach2014/05/08English20
Deep learning of brain lesion patterns and user-defined clinical and MRI features for predicting conversion to multiple sclerosis from clinically isolated syndrome2017/08/09English20
Surgical planning for living donor liver transplant using 4D flow MRI, computational fluid dynamics and in vitro experiments2017/01/18English20
A 3D swallowing simulation using smoothed particle hydrodynamics2014/01/27English19
Use of chaos concept in medical image segmentation2013/03/01English18
Visualising hyolaryngeal mechanics in swallowing using dynamic MRI2013/10/29English17
Modelling of optimised neural network for classification and prediction of benchmark datasets2020/02/03English17
Automatic segmentation of brain tumour in MR images using an enhanced deep learning approach2020/09/10English16
Chest pathology identification using deep feature selection with non-medical training2016/05/16English16
A new acute leukaemia-automated classification system2016/12/07English16
Feasibility of image-based augmented reality guidance of total shoulder arthroplasty using microsoft HoloLens 12020/10/27English16
SmartPaint: a tool for interactive segmentation of medical volume images2014/09/23English16