Social Epistemology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Anticipatory Epistemic Injustice2021/05/13English11
On Black‐boxing Gender: Some Social Questions for Bruno Latour2006/04/01English11
Broadening and Deepening the Impact: A Theoretical Framework for Partnerships between Science Museums and STEM Research Centres2009/07/01English11
Veritistic value2000/10/01English11
Echo Chambers, Ignorance and Domination2020/11/08English11
In, Against, and Beyond: A Marxist Critique for Higher Education in Crisis2019/07/05English11
Knowing “Necro-Waste”2015/07/06English10
A Reply to My Critics: The Critical Spirit of Bourdieusian Language2013/10/01English10
Which Scientific Knowledge is a Common Good?2017/08/18English10
Re-Thinking Exposure to Trauma and Self-Care in Fieldwork-Based Social Research: Introduction to the Special Issue2019/11/07English10
Turing's sexual guessing game1994/10/01English10
Epistemically Pernicious Groups and the Groupstrapping Problem2018/12/09English10
“Do Your Own Research”2022/12/20English10
Practical Values and Uncertainty in Regulatory Decision‐making2010/10/01English10
The genesis of 'scientific community'2002/04/01English10
Trust and information: The role of trust in the social epistemology of information science2002/01/01English10
Towards a Balanced Account of Expertise2018/11/02English9
Expertise, Relevance and Types of Knowledge2018/11/02English9
Expression-Style Exclusion2019/05/04English9
Dealing with Conspiracy Theory Attributions2020/04/08English9
Mead Has Never Been Modern: Using Meadian Theory to Extend the Constructionist Study of Technology2005/10/01English9
The Social Epistemologies of Software2012/10/01English9
Kuhn's paradigm as a parable for the Cold War: incommensurability and its discontents from Fuller's Tale of Harvard to Fleck's Unsung Lvov2003/01/01English9
Introduction: Social Epistemology and Information Science2002/01/01English9
Reification of Culture in Indigenous Psychologies: Merit or Mistake?2011/04/01English9
Implementation of the National Science Foundation’s “Broader Impacts”: Efficiency Considerations and Alternative Approaches2009/07/01English9
The white hands: Academic social scientists, engagement and struggle in South Africa1987/04/01English9
Evolving perspectives on science and history: A chronicle of modern India's scientific enchantment and disenchantment (1850–1980)1997/01/01English9
The economic consequences of Bruno Latour1996/04/01English9
Gene talk in sociobiology1992/04/01English9