Social Epistemology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Interpretation and the social reality of law1991/01/01English
Is the sociology of knowledge unethical?1997/04/01English
The technocratic form in the study of mass media effects: An application1987/04/01English
Traveling across borders: A response1990/07/01English
Rhetoric and science1994/07/01English
Response to Taylor: Talk is cheap, but hardly worthless1997/01/01English
General response1991/07/01English
Commentary on Merle Jacob's ‘Constructing cultural identity: The question of Caribbean existence’1997/01/01English
Provocation on reproducing perspectives:Part 41988/04/01English
Underdog Epistemologies and the Muscular, Masculine of Science Hindutva2005/01/01English
Editor’s Introduction: Science, Modernity, Critique2005/01/01English
Delegitimizing Science: Risk or Opportunity?2005/01/01English
Whither utility and knowledgeability? Response to N. Stehr “knowledge, markets and biotechnology”2004/10/01English
Social epistemology A journal of knowledge, culture and policy2003/01/01English
Editors’ Introduction: Science, Normativity and the Public2007/01/01English
Critical Approaches to Technology: Editor’s Introduction2008/01/01English
Autopsy of a Historical Fact2018/05/04English
Social Trajectory and Sociological Theory: Edmond Goblot, the Bourgeoisie, and Social Distinction2016/09/03English
A guide to the vexed1999/04/01English
Science book collectors as bibliographers2001/01/01English
Images of mathematics in Togo, West Africa2000/01/01English
How Can Constitutivism Account for the Persistence of Deep Disagreements?2024/03/08English
Knowledge-Production, Digitalization and the Appropriation of Surplus-Knowledge2024/03/08English
The logic of intervention in knowledge production1999/07/01English
The Philosophy of Epistemic Autonomy: Introduction to Special Issue2024/04/04English
The Epistemic Value of Democratic Meritocracy2024/04/04English
Epistemic Smothering is Not a Form of Epistemic Paternalism2024/04/01English