Journal of Labor Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Public employee unions and the privatization of “public” services1983/03/01English
Union decertification election outcomes: Bargaining unit characteristics and union resources1994/06/01English
Welfare reform, dependency reduction, and labor market entry1993/09/01English
The compensation of national union presidents: Moderating effects of union size1983/09/01English
State employee bargaining legislation1985/03/01English
Workplace hazards and workers’ desires for union representation1988/09/01English
South/non-south differentials in national labor relations board certification election outcomes: Comment1983/12/01English
Strike activity in the united states: An analysis of the stocks and flows1986/06/01English
Finances of American Unions in the 1970s1983/06/01English
Cyclical sensitivity of union/nonunion relative wage effects1980/03/01English
The level and growth of union/nonunion relative wage effects, 1967–19771983/03/01English
The threat of unionism and wage-coverage effects1987/09/01English
What do unions really do? A review article1985/06/01English
Union membership, economic rents, and migration behavior1990/09/01English
An analysis of the barriers to women becoming local union officers1989/06/01English
Union dues and wage premiums1983/03/01English
Union effects on productivity, personnel practices, and survival in the automotive parts industry1987/12/01English
Private sector unions: The myth of decline1991/03/01English
The organization of state and local government employees: Comment1984/06/01English
Union democracy in the international typographical union: Thirty years later1989/03/01English
Member participation in union activities: Perceptions of union priorities, performance, and satisfaction1985/12/01English
Teachers’ unions and excellence in education: An analysis of the decline in SAT scores1987/12/01English
The ideologies of U.S. and Canadian IR scholars: A comparative analysis and construct validation1995/06/01English
Book reviews1994/06/01English
Book reviews1992/03/01English
Understanding political pricing of labor services: The Davis-Bacon Act1982/09/01English
Comment on Andrew Gordon1990/09/01English
Contract curve or implicit contract: Which will a union choose?1991/03/01English
Private sector union decline and structural employment change 1970–1988: Reply to professor Tullock1993/06/01English
Union violence: A review article1984/09/01English