Journal of Education for Teaching

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Photographic Elicitation and Narration in Teachers Education and Development Photographic Elicitation and Narration in Teachers Education and Development , Edited by Antonio Bautista García-Vera, Cham, Switzerland, Springer Cham, 2023, xii+213 pp., € 49.99 (Hardcover book), ISBN 978-3-031-20163-9, € 39.99 (eBook), ISBN 978-3-031-20166-02023/11/20English
Developing digital academic skills in preservice teachers: performance and metacognitive perspectives2024/03/21English
Investigating preservice teachers’ feedback to students’ mathematical solutions2024/03/13English
Collaborative self-study in higher education: lessons from redesigning school placement during the pandemic2024/03/19English
The pretend me, and the real me – male student teachers negotiating gender and professional identity in China2024/03/19English
Border crossing perspectives of prospective teachers’ first-time science microteaching experiences2024/03/27English
Collaboration in in-service teacher training - the missing link between empirical evidence and practice?2024/03/12English
Conservatoire students’ perspectives on instrumental music teacher education: ‘Developing Pedagogical Knowledge’ (DPK) for the future music education workforce2023/06/25English
The Essential Guide to Forest School & Nature Pedagogy The Essential Guide to Forest School & Nature Pedagogy , by Jon Cree & Marina Robb, London, Routledge, 2021, 406 pp., £19.99 (pbk), ISBN 9780367425616 (pbk) ISBN 9780367853440 (ebook).2023/02/01English
Intercultural approaches to education: from theory to practice Intercultural approaches to education: from theory to practice , by Abdeljalil Akkari and Myriam Radhouane, Switzerland, Springer Cham, 2022, 213pp., 49.99EUR (hardcover), ISBN 978-3-030-70825-2 (eBook), 978-3-030-70824-5 (hardcover)2023/01/02English
Presenting multiple representations at the chalkboard: bansho analysis of a Japanese mathematics classroom2022/12/26English
Probing curriculum coherence in pre-service teacher education: an exploratory study2023/01/29English
Transforming pedagogies through engagement with learners, teachers and communities, Transforming pedagogies through engagement with learners, teachers and communities, by Bao, Dat, and Thanh Pham, New York, Springer, 2021, 285 pp., US $ 127.69 (Hardcover), ISBN-13: 978-98116005622024/04/14English
Karen Barad as Educator: Agential Realism and Education Karen Barad as Educator: Agential Realism and Education , by Karin Murris, Singapore, Springer, 2022, 95 pp., £17.99 (paperback), ISBN 978-981-19-0143-02024/04/14English
Contextual corroboration in teacher education: transferability of the niche, the unique and the unusual2024/01/01English
Innovation in teacher professional learning in europe: research, policy, and practice Innovation in teacher professional learning in europe: research, policy, and practice , edited by Ken Jones, Giorgio Ostinelli, and Alberto Crescentini, London, Routledge, Published October 11, 2023, 266pp., £130 (hardback), ISBN 9781032334493; £35 (eBook), ISBN 97810033226102024/04/15English
Book Reviews1997/03/01English
Editorial: Apocalypse imposed1999/11/01English
Book Reviews1998/06/01English
Acknowledgements to Referees2002/04/01
Venal? Villains? Victims?1996/10/01
Symposium with Sour Wine1998/04/01
Book Reviews1998/11/01
Book Reviews1999/11/01
Book Reviews2000/04/01
Acknowledgements to Referees2001/04/01
Partnerships in Education: Risks in Transdisciplinary Educational Research2023/08/12English
Virtual teaching abroad during initial teacher education: pre-service teachers’ professional learning2023/08/11English