Journal of Education for Teaching

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Prospectus for Teaching: a misleading image1986/01/01English
Spare a Thought1993/01/01English
Mathematics Teacher Education Project: links with the educational disciplines1982/01/01English
Special Needs in Initial Teacher Training: course development and evaluation in an English university1990/01/01English
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?2000/04/01English
Teacher Education in an Age of Uncertainty1994/07/01English
Initial Teacher Education in Spain: a critical analysis1994/01/01English
Ed Stones and JET: a retrospective1993/01/01English
Symposium B: Problems facing teacher education in the non‐industrialized and/or non‐anglophone world1994/07/01English
Teaching, theory and trouble shooting1984/05/01English
Book Reviews1995/10/01English
Political Manipulation of Information and the Roll‐over Syndrome in Teacher Education1994/07/01English
Britain's contribution to the training of mathematics teachers in other countries1982/05/01English
Lifelong Teacher Education in the Czechoslovakian Socialist Republic with Especial Reference to the Training of Teachers in Special Education1987/01/01English
The Pedagogy of Pre‐service TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) Teacher Education1993/01/01English
Acknowledgement to Referees1999/04/01English
Problems of Teacher Education in the Industrialized World1994/07/01English
The quasi-experimental attitude of teachers: the development of a questionnaire2018/03/15English
Acknowledgement to referees2016/01/01English
Activating diverse musical creativities: teaching and learning in higher education2016/02/12English
Impact of religion on Turkish prospective early childhood teachers’ judgments of fact2016/02/12English
The posthuman child – educational transformation through philosophy with picture books2017/09/04English
Metaphors, mentors and transformations in teacher education2017/09/22English
The struggle for teacher education; international perspectives on governance and reforms2017/09/22English
Socratic dialogue and teacher–pupil interaction2012/08/29English
The power of chameleonic ideas in the policy decision-making process: the case of the ‘students' revolution' in Chile2012/08/29English