Mechanical Engineering and Technology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Early Stress Fatigue Analysis of the Taper-Leaf Spring2014/01/01
Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of Wind Turbine Based on Differential Gear Train Speed Regulation2014/01/01
Variable Frequency Soft Starter Applied in Large Synchronous Motors2015/01/01
The Difference between Pro/Engineer and ANSYS in FEA2015/01/01
高速电主轴矢量控制与直接转矩控制仿真及分析<br>Simulation and Analysis of Vector Control and Direct Torque Control for High-Speed Motorized Spindles2012/01/01
基于ABAQUS的太阳能聚光器结构分析<br>Structural Analysis of Solar Concentrator Based on ABAQUS2012/01/01
Instance of a New Type of Brinell Hardness Tester Applied in the Thermal Power Construction Site2015/01/01
Research on the Temperature Field of Asynchronous Magnetic Coupling2015/01/01
Ergonomics Analysis of Large Equipment Hoisting Based on DELMIA2015/01/01
Ship Power Equipment State Monitoring and Evaluation Research Based on Variable Threshold2014/01/01
Study on Weighted Tolerance-Cost Model for Tolerance Allocation2014/01/01
国内外膨胀尾管悬挂器技术现状简述<br>Technology Status of Expandable Liner Hanger in Domestic and Abroad2012/01/01
EEMD能量熵分析及在齿轮箱故障诊断中的应用<br>Application of EEMD Energy Entropy Method to Fault Diagnosis of Gearbox2012/01/01
Effects of Jet Impingement on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Rotating Disk2018/01/01
Study on Motion Compensation Robot Based on Parallel Mechanism for in Offshore Engineering2018/01/01
Optical Fiber End Face Processing Technology and Its Development Trend2016/01/01
Analysis and Comparison of Sealing Performance of the Premium Connections2016/01/01
Design of Digital Gas Meter Based on Processor STC89C522016/01/01
Axis Orbit Simulation of Tilt-Pad Bearing Based on the Finite Element Method2016/01/01
Research on the Key Technology and Technology System of Intelligent Shipyard2016/01/01
Study and Application on Flexible Assembly Tooling Technology of UAV2016/01/01
The Heat Formed Technology Research of Needle Punched Filter on New Style Heat Treatment2016/01/01
Control Technology of Two-Axis Laser Processing Platform Based on AEROTECH2016/01/01
Kinetic Modeling of a Novel 3-CRU Translational Parallel Mechanism2016/01/01
The Optimal Structure Parameters of Hydrocyclone with Dual Cone Based on Orthogonal Design2016/01/01
The Application of DFSS in the Electronic Equipment Management System Design2017/01/01
Effects of Materials and Geometric Dimensions on the Flying Characteristics of a Slider in Gas-Filled Hard Disk Drives2017/01/01
Dynamic Measurement Research of Ultra-Short Baseline Transducer Axis Rotation Angle2017/01/01
Study on Indentation Fracture Mechanics of Sintered NdFeB Material2017/01/01
Recognition of Structural Damping Coefficient of Thin Plate Based on the Frequency Response Matrix Method2017/01/01