Critical Studies on Terrorism

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Theorising the “suspect community”: counterterrorism, security practices and the public imagination2013/12/16English91
What's so ‘religious’ about ‘religious terrorism’?2011/12/01English76
The geography of pre-criminal space: epidemiological imaginations of radicalisation risk in the UK Prevent Strategy, 2007–20172017/05/04English59
British Muslim youth: radicalisation, terrorism and the construction of the “other”2013/08/01English58
The epistemological crisis of counterterrorism2015/01/02English56
“Academics for Peace” in Turkey: a case of criminalising dissent and critical thought via counterterrorism policy2017/05/04English51
Narratives of terrorism and security: ‘accurate’ translations, suspicious frames2010/12/03English49
The ghosts of state terror: knowledge, politics and terrorism studies2008/12/10English47
Governing an unknowable future: the politics of Britain’s Prevent policy†2014/01/02English42
Topics in terrorism research: reviewing trends and gaps, 2007-20162019/02/20English40
Critical Terrorism Studies–an introduction2008/03/05English40
Reinventing prevention or exposing the gap? False positives in UK terrorism governance and the quest for pre-emption2012/04/01English37
Making women terrorists into “Jihadi brides”: an analysis of media narratives on women joining ISIS2018/03/07English37
The banality of counterterrorism “after, after 9/11”? Perspectives on the Prevent duty from the UK health care sector2018/07/17English36
Visualising violence: legitimacy and authority in the ‘war on terror’2008/07/17English34
The enactment of the counter-terrorism “Prevent duty” in British schools and colleges: beyond reluctant accommodation or straightforward policy acceptance2019/01/30English34
A case against ‘Critical Terrorism Studies’2008/03/05English33
The terror experts and the mainstream media: the expert nexus and its dominance in the news media2009/11/16English31
Screening terror: Hollywood, the United States and the construction of danger2008/07/17English30
Old myths, new fantasies and the enduring realities of terrorism2008/03/05English29
Social cohesion and the notion of ‘suspect communities’: a study of the experiences and impacts of being ‘suspect’ for Irish communities and Muslim communities in Britain2012/04/01English28
Unknown knowns: the subjugated knowledge of terrorism studies2012/04/01English28
Framing terror: an experimental framing effects study of the perceived threat of terrorism2011/08/01English26
PREVENT: creating “radicals” to strengthen anti-Muslim narratives2015/01/02English25
“9/11 is alive and well” or how critical terrorism studies has sustained the 9/11 narrative2017/05/04English24
Drones, witches and other flying objects: the force of fantasy in US counterterrorism2012/04/01English23
‘No one speaks for us’: security policy, suspected communities and the problem of voice2012/12/01English22
Balancing tolerance, security and Muslim engagement in the United Kingdom: the impact of the ‘Prevent’ agenda2012/12/01English22
Contested topologies of UK counterterrorist surveillance: the rise and fall of Project Champion2013/12/01English22
State terrorism research and critical terrorism studies: an assessment†2014/01/02English22