Race and Social Problems

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Just Skin Deep? The Impact of Interviewer Race on the Assessment of African American Respondent Skin Tone2014/09/05English25
Job Strain, Workplace Discrimination, and Hypertension Among Older Workers: The Health and Retirement Study2011/03/01English24
Coloring the War on Drugs: Arrest Disparities in Black, Brown, and White2016/11/10English24
African American Adolescents’ Psychological Well-Being: The Impact of Parents’ Religious Socialization on Adolescents’ Religiosity2017/01/27English24
Christian Nationalism, Racial Separatism, and Family Formation: Attitudes Toward Transracial Adoption as a Test Case2015/01/21English24
“They Are Clipping Our Wings”: Health Implications of Restrictive Immigrant Policies for Mexican-Origin Women in a Northern Border Community2018/06/30English24
Effect of School Racial Composition on Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms from Adolescence Through Early Adulthood2011/08/31English24
Seeking Help from Clergy Among Black Caribbeans in the United States2011/08/31English24
Who are People Willing to Date? Ethnic and Gender Patterns in Online Dating2012/11/29English24
Is a Picture Worth A Thousand Words? An Experiment Comparing Observer-Based Skin Tone Measures2020/05/28English23
Neighborhood Effects on Racial–Ethnic Identity: The Undermining Role of Segregation2009/04/22English23
Perceived Racial Discrimination in Health Care and Race Differences in Physician Trust2013/04/25English23
Historical Redlining and Resident Exposure to COVID-19: A Study of New York City2021/06/18English22
Low Social Status Markers: Do They Predict Depressive Symptoms in Adolescence?2011/06/24English22
Air-Toxic Clusters Revisited: Intersectional Environmental Inequalities and Indigenous Deprivation in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regions2019/04/11English22
The Criminalization of Young Children and Overrepresentation of Black Youth in the Juvenile Justice System2021/02/03English21
Homeownership Across the American Life Course: Estimating the Racial Divide2010/08/26English21
Differentiating Contemporary Racial Prejudice from Old-Fashioned Racial Prejudice2009/06/01English21
Race to College: The “Reverse Gap”2010/10/07English20
A Paradox of Bias: Racial Differences in Forensic Psychiatric Diagnosis and Determinations of Criminal Responsibility2013/06/12English20
Age Differences in Exposure and Reactivity to Interpersonal Tensions among Black and White Individuals across Adulthood2011/09/08English19
Understanding Differences in College Enrollment: Race, Class and Cultural Capital2014/07/26English19
Residential Segregation, Health, and Health Care: Answering the Latino Question2014/07/29English19
Racial Disproportionality in Juvenile Justice: The Interaction of Race and Geography in Pretrial Detention for Violent and Serious Offenses2009/12/01English19
Racial Discrimination and Depressive Symptoms among Latina/o College Students: The Role of Racism-Related Vigilance and Sleep2020/10/18English19
Racial Disparities and COVID-19: Exploring the Relationship Between Race/Ethnicity, Personal Factors, Health Access/Affordability, and Conditions Associated with an Increased Severity of COVID-192021/02/12English19
Race, SES, and Obesity Among Men2011/12/01English18
Influence of a Community Health Worker Intervention on Mental Health Outcomes among Low-Income Latino and African American Adults with Type 2 Diabetes2013/05/07English18
Demographic Factors Associated with Poverty among American Indians and Alaska Natives2013/12/07English18
Differences Between African Americans and Non-Hispanic Whites Utilization of Clergy for Counseling with Serious Personal Problems2017/04/05English18