South African Journal of Higher Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Decolonising the university curriculum2016/06/0151
Students with disabilities’ experience in South African higher education – a synthesis of literature2017/03/0120
Language rights in education in South Africa2017/11/0118
#FeesMustFall and decolonising the curriculum: Stellenbosch University students’ and lecturers’ reactions2018/05/0118
#Rhodes Must Fall: A posthumanist orientation to decolonising higher education Institutions2016/08/0118
Predictors of academic performance, success and retention amongst undergraduate nursing students: A systematic review2019/04/0118
Reasons why self-directed learning is important in South African during the COVID-19 pandemic2020/12/0116
Accessing higher education leadership: Towards a framework for women's professional development2017/06/0115
Exploring student engagegment practises at a South African university: Student engagement as reliable predictor of academic performance2016/12/0115
Educators’ reasoning(s) and their effects on successful attainment of curriculum goals2020/05/0115
Is teaching without understanding curriculum visions and goals a high risk?2016/12/0114
Study demands, study resources and the role of personality characteristics in predicting the engagement of fist-year university students2017/03/0114
Exploring the present state of South African education: Challenges and recommendations2018/05/0113
Slow scholarship in writing retreats: A diffractive methodology for response-able pedagogies2017/04/0113
To care or not to care - reflections on the ethics of blended learning in times of disruption2018/12/0113
Christianity and homosexuality: contradictory or complimentary? A qualitative study of the experiences of Christian homosexual university students2017/07/0113
Work integrated learning benefits for student career prospects - mixed mode analysis2017/09/0113
A model for innovation in higher education2018/08/0113
Leading article: What is (post)quanlitative research?2018/10/0113
Social media for enhancing student engagement: The use of Facebook and blogs at a University of Technology2016/02/0112
Perspectives on graduate employability attributes for management sciences graduates2017/03/0112
Bodies out of place: Black queer students negotiating identity at the University of Cape Town2018/07/0111
Taking stock of South African accounting students pervasive skills development: Are we making progress?2016/06/0111
Could the Covid-19 pandemic accelerate the uberfication of the university?2020/09/0110
The role of social support in the persistence of first-year first-generation African students in a higher education institution in South Africa2020/09/019
African universities on a global ranking scale: Legitimation of knowledge hierarchies?2017/03/019
Challenging gender equality in South African transformation policies - a case of the White Paper: A programme for the transformation of higher education2018/07/019
Studying sexuality: LGBTI experiences in institutions of higher education in Southern Africa2017/07/019
Accounting students’ profile versus academic performance: A five-year analysis2017/06/018
'So I decided not to invade straight black men's space': exploring heteronormative spaces on campus2017/07/018