South African Journal of Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Ecological aspects influencing the implementation of inclusive education in mainstream primary schools in the Eastern Cape, South Africa2013/08/0230
The effects of problem-based learning on pre-service teachers’ critical thinking dispositions and perceptions of problem-solving ability2014/02/0530
Care and support of orphaned and vulnerable children at school: helping teachers to respond2011/05/2329
Empowering principals to lead and manage public schools effectively in the 21st century2017/02/2829
Educators’ disciplinary capabilities after the banning of corporal punishment in South African schools2010/08/2728
Students’ perceptions and readiness towards mobile learning in colleges of education: a Nigerian perspective2017/02/2828
Perceptions of teachers and school management teams of the leadership roles of public school principals2019/05/3128
Perceptions and needs of South African Mathematics teachers concerning their use of technology for instruction2015/11/3027
The ‘good’, the ‘bad’ and the ‘ugly’? Views on male teachers in foundation phase education2014/02/0527
Synchronous versus asynchronous e-learning in teaching word processing: An experimental approach2019/05/3126
Psychosocial support for orphans and vulnerable children in public primary schools: Challenges and intervention strategies2015/08/3126
Decolonial possibilities in South African higher education: Reconfiguring humanising pedagogies as/with decolonising pedagogies2018/11/3026
The possible cause of school governance challenges in South Africa2011/05/2325
Incorporating the indigenous game of morabaraba in the learning of mathematics2009/08/1325
The relationship between the critical thinking skills and the academic language proficiency of prospective teachers2013/05/0624
Introducing problem-based learning (PBL) into a foundation programme to develop self-directed learning skills2014/02/0524
Entrepreneurial leadership practices and school innovativeness2014/02/0523
Exploring teachers’ practices in teaching Mathematics and Statistics in KwaZulu-Natal schools2017/05/3123
Home and school environmental determinants of science achievement of South African students2017/02/2823
The zone of proximal development in the learning of mathematics2013/05/0623
What can a teacher do with a cellphone? Using participatory visual research to speak back in addressing HIV&AIDS2013/11/1822
An APOS analysis of natural science students’ understanding of derivatives2013/01/3022
An empirical study of stressors that impinge on teachers in secondary schools in Swaziland2013/01/3022
Learning style preferences and Mathematics achievement of secondary school learners2018/02/2822
Teaching for social justice education: the intersection between identity, critical agency, and social justice education2011/08/2622
Bullies, victims and bully-victims in South African schools: Examining the risk factors2018/10/3122
Can improving teachers’ knowledge of mathematics lead to gains in learners’ attainment in Mathematics?2015/08/3122
Profiling classroom reading comprehension development practices from the PIRLS 2006 in South Africa2014/08/0622
The implications of the National Norms and Standards for School Funding policy on equity in South African public schools2014/08/0622
Effective home-school partnership: Some strategies to help strengthen parental involvement2014/08/0622