Journal of Mathematical Biology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Nonlinear simulations of solid tumor growth using a mixture model: invasion and branching2008/09/12English191
Mathematical modeling of tumor-induced angiogenesis2004/02/06English190
Nonlinear simulation of tumor growth2003/03/01189
Mutual interactions, potentials, and individual distance in a social aggregation2003/09/01189
Algorithmic improvements to species delimitation and phylogeny estimation under the multispecies coalescent2016/06/10English188
Analysis of a mathematical model for the growth of tumors1999/03/16187
Analysis of the periodically fragmented environment model : I – Species persistence2005/05/02English186
A delay differential equation model for tumor growth2003/08/01185
Evolutionary game dynamics in a Wright-Fisher process2006/02/07English180
Predator-prey models with delay and prey harvesting2001/09/01180
Individual-based and continuum models of growing cell populations: a comparison2008/10/08English175
Solving the chemical master equation for monomolecular reaction systems analytically2006/09/05English173
State-dependent impulsive models of integrated pest management (IPM) strategies and their dynamic consequences2004/10/07English172
FR3D: finding local and composite recurrent structural motifs in RNA 3D structures2007/08/11English169
Mathematics of cell motility: have we got its number?2008/05/07English166
Optimal HIV treatment by maximising immune response2004/05/01154
A new mathematical model for avascular tumour growth2001/10/01153
Travelling front solutions of a nonlocal Fisher equation2000/09/01145
A model for dengue disease with variable human population1999/03/16144
Geometric singular perturbation theory in biological practice2009/04/05English143
Parametric analysis of the ratio-dependent predator-prey model2001/09/01141
Spatio-temporal pattern formation on spherical surfaces: numerical simulation and application to solid tumour growth2001/05/01140
An Analysis of Vegetation Stripe Formation in Semi-Arid Landscapes2005/05/02English137
Effective degree network disease models2010/02/24English137
Chemotactic collapse for the Keller-Segel model1996/12/10134
An image-driven parameter estimation problem for a reaction–diffusion glioma growth model with mass effects2007/11/17English133
Angiogenesis and vascular remodelling in normal and cancerous tissues2008/10/22English132
Derivation of hyperbolic models for chemosensitive movement2004/10/07English131
A mathematical model for brain tumor response to radiation therapy2008/09/25English129
A note on a paper by Erik Volz: SIR dynamics in random networks2010/03/23English125