Landscape and Urban Planning

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Urban sprawl in the Mediterranean?2008/04/01English228
Million trees Los Angeles canopy cover and benefit assessment2011/01/01English225
Accessibility of public urban green space in an urban periphery: The case of Shanghai2017/09/01English225
Inequities in the quality of urban park systems: An environmental justice investigation of cities in the United States2018/10/01English224
Linking ecosystem services and landscape patterns to assess urban ecosystem health: A case study in Shenzhen City, China2015/11/01English224
Modeling spatial variations of urban growth patterns in Chinese cities: The case of Nanjing2009/06/01English224
Neighborhood socioeconomic status is a useful predictor of perennial landscape vegetation in residential neighborhoods and embedded small parks of Phoenix, AZ2004/10/01English224
Rural landscape, nature conservation and culture: Some notes on research trends and management approaches from a (southern) European perspective2014/06/01English223
Refreshing the role of open water surfaces on mitigating the maximum urban heat island effect2014/01/01English221
‘Ecological land-use complementation’ for building resilience in urban ecosystems2007/05/01English220
Measurement indicators and an evaluation approach for assessing urban sustainable development: A case study for China's Jining City2009/04/01English220
A comparative study of urban expansion in Beijing, Tianjin and Shijiazhuang over the past three decades2015/02/01English218
No wilderness for immigrants: Cultural differences in images of nature and landscape preferences2009/06/01English218
Biodiversity relationships in urban and suburban parks in Flanders2004/10/01English218
Assessing the spatial distribution of urban parks using GIS2007/08/01English216
A comparison of spatial autocorrelation indices and landscape metrics in measuring urban landscape fragmentation2014/01/01English216
Rail-based transit-oriented development: Lessons from New York City and Hong Kong2010/09/01English213
Vegetated roofs for stormwater management at multiple spatial scales2007/03/01English213
Investigating the regional-scale pattern of agricultural land abandonment in the Swiss mountains: A spatial statistical modelling approach2007/01/01English212
Impacts of urban biophysical composition on land surface temperature in urban heat island clusters2015/03/01English211
Social media and the city: Rethinking urban socio-spatial inequality using user-generated geographic information2015/10/01English211
New wilderness in the Netherlands: An investigation of visual preferences for nature development landscapes2006/11/01English211
Spatial-temporal gradient analysis of urban green spaces in Jinan, China2006/11/01English209
Above-ground carbon storage by urban trees in Leipzig, Germany: Analysis of patterns in a European city2012/01/01English208
Street greenery and its physical and psychological impact on thermal comfort2015/06/01English208
Using participatory GIS to measure physical activity and urban park benefits2014/01/01English207
Urban green zones and related pollen allergy: A review. Some guidelines for designing spaces with low allergy impact2011/06/01English205
Climate and behaviour in a Nordic city2007/08/01English203
A longitudinal study of changes in urban sprawl between 2000 and 2010 in the United States2014/08/01English202
Optimizing green space locations to reduce daytime and nighttime urban heat island effects in Phoenix, Arizona2017/09/01English202