Landscape and Urban Planning

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Urban form, biodiversity potential and ecosystem services2007/12/01English424
Impact of urban form and design on mid-afternoon microclimate in Phoenix Local Climate Zones2014/02/01English407
Efficiency of parks in mitigating urban heat island effect: An example from Addis Ababa2014/03/01English407
Defining greenspace: Multiple uses across multiple disciplines2017/02/01English406
Nearby green space and human health: Evaluating accessibility metrics2017/01/01English405
Are European cities becoming dispersed?2006/06/01English400
Quantifying the cool island intensity of urban parks using ASTER and IKONOS data2010/06/01English391
Manifestations and underlying drivers of agricultural land use change in Europe2015/01/01English386
Urban green space network development for biodiversity conservation: Identification based on graph theory and gravity modeling2010/03/01English386
Resilient cities: meaning, models, and metaphor for integrating the ecological, socio-economic, and planning realms2004/10/01English379
Who benefits from access to green space? A case study from Sheffield, UK2007/11/01English377
Landscape ecological approach to the relationships of land use patterns in watersheds to water quality characteristics2009/09/01English374
Impact of views to school landscapes on recovery from stress and mental fatigue2016/04/01English371
Noise and well-being in urban residential environments: The potential role of perceived availability to nearby green areas2007/11/01English366
A preliminary study on the local cool-island intensity of Taipei city parks2007/05/01English364
Using a GIS-based network analysis to determine urban greenspace accessibility for different ethnic and religious groups2008/05/01English357
Relationships between visual landscape preferences and map-based indicators of landscape structure2006/11/01English351
A global comparative analysis of urban form: Applying spatial metrics and remote sensing2007/10/01English347
Improving the wind environment in high-density cities by understanding urban morphology and surface roughness: A study in Hong Kong2011/05/01English338
Public policies for managing urban growth and protecting open space: policy instruments and lessons learned in the United States2004/08/01English337
Accessibility and usability: Green space preferences, perceptions, and barriers in a rapidly urbanizing city in Latin America2012/09/01English337
Factors influencing the use of green space: Results from a Danish national representative survey2010/04/01English335
Using GIS and landscape metrics in the hedonic price modeling of the amenity value of urban green space: A case study in Jinan City, China2007/03/01English333
Contribution of trees and grasslands to the mitigation of human heat stress in a residential district of Freiburg, Southwest Germany2016/04/01English331
Estimating the removal of atmospheric particulate pollution by the urban tree canopy of London, under current and future environments2011/11/01English327
Spatial heterogeneity and air pollution removal by an urban forest2009/04/01English326
Reconceptualizing green infrastructure for climate change adaptation: Barriers to adoption and drivers for uptake by spatial planners2015/06/01English320
Tools for mapping social values of urban woodlands and other green areas2007/01/01English319
Spatiotemporal changes of landscape pattern in response to urbanization2007/07/01English316
Towards a better understanding of the relationship between greenspace and health: Development of a theoretical framework2013/10/01English316