Landscape and Urban Planning

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Data-driven simulation, dimensional accuracy and realism in a landscape visualization tool1998/05/01English
Visual evaluation models: some complicating questions regarding memorable scenes2001/05/01English
Book review1998/12/01English
Book Review1997/07/01
Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities2000/09/01English
The Drôme river incision (France): from assessment to management1998/12/01English
Stability of landscape perceptions in the face of landscape change1997/06/01English
Environmental information and technology: Is it all too much?2000/04/01English
Biometeorology and recreation in east Mediterranean forests2001/11/01English
Alternative dispute resolution and the protection of natural areas in Ontario, Canada2001/09/01English
The role of agroforestry networks in landscape socioeconomic processes: the potential and limits of the contingent valuation method2001/08/01English
Temporal analysis of the Brussels flora as indicator for changing environmental quality2001/01/01English
Green structure and sustainability — developing a tool for local planning2000/12/01English
Weighting-by-choosing: a weight elicitation method for map overlays2001/09/01English
Europe’s Environment: The Second Assessment, by the Environment Agency, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Elsevier, Oxford, United Kingdom, 1998, 293 pp.2000/02/01English
A digital model of pattern and productivity in an agroforestry landscape1998/12/01English
Fragmentation and cultural landscapes: tightening the relationship between human beings and the environment2002/02/01English
A comment on the market value of a room with a view2001/07/01English
Book Review1997/07/01
Book review1999/09/01English
Book review1999/05/01English
Book review1999/09/01English
Criteria for sustainability and their application at a regional level: the case of clearing islands in the Dübener Heide nature park (Eastern Germany)1999/12/01English
Assessment of path choices on a country walk using a virtual environment2001/01/01English
Écologie du paysage: concepts, méthodes et applications2001/06/01English
Applying ecological models to altered landscapes1998/05/01English
Farm–Nature Plan: landscape ecology based farm planning1999/12/01English
Planning and designing for the multiple use role of habitats in urban/suburban landscapes in the Great Basin1995/08/01English
The ecology of exotic herbaceous perennials grown in managed, native grassy vegetation in urban landscapes1999/10/01English