Fungal Ecology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Surveying the biodiversity of the Cryptomycota using a targeted PCR approach2015/04/01English58
Below-ground fine-scale distribution and soil versus fine root detection of fungal and soil oomycete communities in a French beech forest2013/06/01English58
Responses of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to multiple coinciding global change drivers2019/08/01English57
Beyond the water column: aquatic hyphomycetes outside their preferred habitat2016/02/01English56
Changes in volatile production during interspecific interactions between four wood rotting fungi growing in artificial media2008/05/01English56
Changes in fungal community of Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris ) needles along a latitudinal gradient in Sweden2015/10/01English56
Fungal endophyte communities in above- and belowground olive tree organs and the effect of season and geographic location on their structures2016/04/01English56
Antagonistic fungal interactions influence carbon dioxide evolution from decomposing wood2015/04/01English55
Population structure of Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus and its genetic relationship to Hymenoscyphus albidus2012/04/01English55
Aquatic fungal ecology – How does it differ from terrestrial?2016/02/01English55
Fungal associates of the tree-killing bark beetle, Ips typographus, vary in virulence, ability to degrade conifer phenolics and influence bark beetle tunneling behavior2019/04/01English55
Rapid invasion by an aggressive pathogenic fungus (Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus) replaces a native decomposer (Hymenoscyphus albidus): a case of local cryptic extinction?2012/12/01English55
Epichloë endophyte affects the ability of powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis) to colonise drunken horse grass (Achnatherum inebrians)2015/08/01English54
Non-lichenized Antarctic fungi: transient visitors or members of a cryptic ecosystem?2012/08/01English54
A distinctive fungal community inhabiting cryoconite holes on glaciers in Svalbard2013/04/01English54
Biogeography of aquatic hyphomycetes: Current knowledge and future perspectives2016/02/01English54
Factors influencing communities of foliar fungal endophytes in riparian woody plants2013/10/01English54
Effects of increased temperature and aquatic fungal diversity on litter decomposition2012/12/01English54
Host shifts in fungi caused by climate change?2011/04/01English54
Diversity of anaerobic fungal populations in cattle revealed by selective enrichment culture using different carbon sources2009/05/01English53
Phylogenetic interpretations and ecological potentials of the Mesomycetozoea (Ichthyosporea)2013/08/01English52
Specificity and localised distribution of mycorrhizal fungi in the soil may contribute to co-existence of orchid species2016/04/01English52
Role of mycorrhizal networks and tree proximity in ectomycorrhizal colonization of planted seedlings2009/02/01English52
Decomposing capacity of fungi commonly detected in Pinus sylvestris needle litter2011/02/01English52
Potential roles of Labyrinthula spp. in global seagrass population declines2013/10/01English52
Ectomycorrhizas and climate change2012/02/01English52
Monitoring fungal biodiversity – towards an integrated approach2012/12/01English52
An Epichloë endophyte improves photosynthetic ability and dry matter production of its host Achnatherum inebrians infected by Blumeria graminis under various soil water conditions2016/08/01English51
Two viruses of Heterobasidion confer beneficial, cryptic or detrimental effects to their hosts in different situations2013/10/01English51
Peeking through a frosty window: molecular insights into the ecology of Arctic soil fungi2012/08/01English51