Annual Reviews in Control

Title Publication Date Language Citations
An account of chronological developments in control of distributed parameter systems2009/04/01English71
(Deep) Reinforcement learning for electric power system control and related problems: A short review and perspectives2019/01/01English71
Control and perception techniques for aerial robotics2004/01/01English70
Integrated design of feedback controllers and fault detectors2009/12/01English70
Spacecraft attitude determination and control: Quaternion based method2012/12/01English70
Systems engineering for irrigation systems: Successes and challenges2005/01/01English69
Collaborative control theory for e-Work, e-Production, and e-Service2007/01/01English69
Robust and optimal predictive control of the COVID-19 outbreak2021/01/01English69
Control sharing in human-robot team interaction2017/01/01English69
Application of wave-variable control to bilateral teleoperation systems: A survey2014/01/01English69
Optimal operational control for complex industrial processes2014/01/01English67
Challenges of adaptive control–past, permanent and future2008/12/01English67
Ubiquitous knowledge empowers the Smart Factory: The impacts of a Service-oriented Digital Twin on enterprises' performance2019/01/01English65
Pushing the limits: From lanekeeping to autonomous racing2011/04/01English65
Conceptual framework for e-Maintenance: Illustration by e-Maintenance technologies and platforms2009/12/01English65
Efficient nonlinear model predictive control algorithms2004/01/01English65
Smart grid power system control in distributed generation environment2010/12/01English64
Enabling the human in the loop: Linked data and knowledge in industrial cyber-physical systems2019/01/01English64
An optimal predictive control strategy for COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) social distancing policies in Brazil2020/01/01English64
Behavioral systems theory in data-driven analysis, signal processing, and control2021/01/01English64
Advances in modeling and vibration control of building structures2013/12/01English63
On modified parameter estimators for identification and adaptive control. A unified framework and some new schemes2020/01/01English62
Pinning control of complex networked systems: A decade after and beyond2014/01/01English62
Data-driven decision making in power systems with probabilistic guarantees: Theory and applications of chance-constrained optimization2019/01/01English62
Fault detection and isolation in nonlinear systems2009/12/01English62
Delay identification in time-delay systems using variable structure observers2006/01/01English61
A neurological view on reactive human stance control2010/12/01English60
An industrial and academic perspective on plantwide control2011/04/01English60
Structural issues in the design and operation of marine control systems2005/01/01English60
Bibliographical review on cyber attacks from a control oriented perspective2019/01/01English60