Journal of Human Development and Capabilities

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Tackling Marginalisation through Social Innovation? Examining the EU Social Innovation Policy Agenda from a Capabilities Perspective2017/01/09English37
Agency Goals, Adaptation and Capability Sets2009/03/01English37
Measured as Poor versus Feeling Poor: Comparing Money-metric and Subjective Poverty Rates in South Africa2014/12/10English36
Capabilities, Contributive Injustice and Unequal Divisions of Labour2012/11/01English36
Introduction—Data, Knowledge, Politics and Localizing the SDGs2019/10/02English36
Disability and Poverty in Morocco and Tunisia: A Multidimensional Approach2015/10/02English36
Opportunity Gap Analysis: Procedures and Methods for Applying the Capability Approach in Development Initiatives2014/01/02English35
Capabilities, Values and Education Policy2012/08/01English35
Capabilities and Skills2016/07/02English35
Introduction: The Capability Approach and Human Rights2011/02/01English34
Women Empowerment Through Self-Help Groups: The Bittersweet Fruits of Collective Apple Cultivation in Highland Ethiopia2018/04/11English33
Randomized Control Trials and Qualitative Evaluations of a Multifaceted Programme for Women in Extreme Poverty: Empirical Findings and Methodological Reflections2019/04/03English33
Inserting Technology in the Relational Ontology of Sen's Capability Approach2011/08/01English32
Are technological projects reducing social inequalities and improving people's well-being? A capability approach analysis of renewable energy-based electrification projects in Cajamarca, Peru2013/11/18English31
On Fertile Functionings: A Response to Martha Nussbaum2013/02/01English31
Measuring Education for the Millennium Development Goals: Reflections on Targets, Indicators, and a Post-2015 Framework2014/03/04English30
Grassroots Social Innovation for Human Development: An Analysis of Alternative Food Networks in the City of Valencia (Spain)2017/01/24English29
Rethinking the Quality of Universities: How Can Human Development Thinking Contribute?2012/08/01English29
Private Wealth Across European Countries: The Role of Income, Inheritance and the Welfare State2018/08/09English29
Enabling Ecosystems for Social Enterprises and Social Innovation: A Capability Approach Perspective2017/04/03English29
Social Innovation and Human Development—How the Capabilities Approach and Social Innovation Theory Mutually Support Each Other2017/01/09English28
Structural and Institutional Determinants of Poverty in Sub-Saharan African Countries2014/12/06English26
When a River Becomes a Person2020/08/03English25
Conceptualisation and Measurement of Women's Empowerment Revisited2018/11/27English24
Information Technology, Innovation and Human Development: Hospital Information Systems in an Indian State2017/01/31English23
Horizontal Inequality: Two Types of Trap2009/11/01English22
Approaching Development Projects from a Human Development and Capability Perspective2014/01/02English22
Capabilitarian Sufficiency: Capabilities and Social Justice2016/02/12English21
Reconceptualizing Educational Capabilities: A Relational Capability Theory for Redressing Inequalities2019/10/16English21
Why Global Goals and Indicators Matter: The Experience of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the Millennium Development Goals2014/04/23English21