College & Undergraduate Libraries

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Learning Commons to Communicative Commons: Transforming the Academic Library2010/06/30English4
Learning by Doing: Performance Assessment of Information Literacy across the First-Year Curriculum2013/07/01English4
Designing and Implementing an Information Literacy Instruction Outcomes Assessment Program2013/07/01English4
Improving and Assessing Information Literacy Skills through Faculty-Librarian Collaboration2013/07/01English4
Successful Scholarly Communication at a Small University: Integration of Education, Services, and an Institutional Repository at Valparaiso University2014/07/03English4
Library Involvement in Faculty Publication Funds2014/07/03English4
The Critical Inquiry Imperative: Information Literacy and Critical Inquiry as Complementary Concepts in Higher Education2014/04/03English4
Mapping the student engagement journey: Understanding & envisioning the library’s role2021/09/13English4
Building an ethical digital humanities community: Librarian, faculty, and student collaboration2017/06/29English4
LibGuides to the rescue: The cure for the same old boring papers2016/10/17English4
The rescinding of the ACRL 2000 Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education—Really??2016/10/17English4
Creating an online information literacy course for concurrent enrollment students: A collaboration with a state-sponsored online school2016/10/17English4
How students use their libraries: A case study of four academic libraries2016/10/01English4
Using iPads to Facilitate Library Instruction Sessions in a SCALE-UP Classroom2015/04/03English3
Librarians, Renounce the Research Paper! Using Rhetoric to Improve Assignment Design2014/01/01English3
A Case Study of Librarian Outreach to Scientists: Collaborative Research and Scholarly Communication in Conservation Biology2014/07/03English3
The iPad in Library Instruction: Collaborative Inquiry for Information Retrieval2014/04/03English3
Library technology: Innovating technologies, services, and practices2020/10/01English3
Practical steps for an effective virtual reality course integration2020/10/01English3
Study room time machine: Creating a virtual library escape game during COVID2021/09/13English3
Doing research on mobile devices: An undergraduate case study2016/10/01English3
No assignment? Just flip it: The flipped classroom in first-year library instruction2018/10/02English3
Rising like a glorious turkey from the ashes of burnout2018/07/03English3
More than just a walk through: Connect library users to resources with new 360 tools2020/10/01English3
Visualizing oral histories: A lab model using multimedia DH to incorporate ACRL framework standards into liberal arts education2017/06/01English3
Rights instruction for undergraduate students: Needs, trends, and resources2017/02/06English3
Creating learning outcomes from threshold concepts for information literacy instruction2016/11/18English3
Question formation: A teachable art2016/04/02English3
Ethnographic perspectives on student-centeredness in an academic library2016/04/02English3
The thing was done in the library: Animating an early eighteenth-century murder mystery2016/04/02English3