Physical Review C

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Accurate measurement of the first excited nuclear state in U2352018/05/10English2
Evaporation residue cross-section measurements for O16+Tl203,2052019/03/22English2
Impact of the surface energy coefficient on the deformation properties of atomic nuclei as predicted by Skyrme energy density functionals2019/04/25English2
Generator-coordinate reference states for spectra and 0νββ decay in the in-medium similarity renormalization group2018/11/16English2
Systematic studies of the influence of single-particle resonances on neutron halo and skin in the relativistic-mean-field and complex-momentum-representation methods2019/02/19English2
Mode-coupling effects in anisotropic flow in heavy-ion collisions2016/06/06English2
Magnetic-field-induced squeezing effect at energies available at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and at the CERN Large Hadron Collider2016/04/28English2
β-decay study within multireference density functional theory and beyond2016/04/05English2
Structure of rotational bands in Rh1092021/07/28English2
First spectral measurement of deuterium-tritium fusion γ rays in inertial fusion experiments2021/08/13English2
Exploring laser-driven neutron sources for neutron capture cascades and the production of neutron-rich isotopes2021/01/06English2
Kinetic energy distribution for photofission of light actinides2020/10/14English2
Total kinetic energy release in the fast-neutron-induced fission of Np2372020/12/11English2
Entanglement rearrangement in self-consistent nuclear structure calculations2021/03/29English2
Quantifying correlated truncation errors in effective field theory2019/10/10English2
Critical parameters of the liquid-gas phase transition in thermal symmetric and asymmetric nuclear matter2019/11/11English2
Exploring experimental conditions to reduce uncertainties in the optical potential2019/12/30English2
Excitation of the low-energy Th229m isomer in the electron bridge process via the continuum2019/10/10English2
Fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions generated by QCD interactions in the color glass condensate effective theory2019/08/08English2
Thermal quasiparticle random-phase approximation calculations of stellar electron capture rates with the Skyrme effective interaction2019/08/09English2
Constraining compact star properties with nuclear saturation parameters2019/07/30English2
GW170817 implications on the frequency and damping time of f -mode oscillations of neutron stars2019/04/30English2
Neutron elastic scattering on calcium isotopes from chiral nuclear optical potentials2020/06/15English2
Landscape of pear-shaped even-even nuclei2020/08/10English2
Thermonuclear reaction rate ofSi30(p,γ)P312020/07/14English2
Production of charged pions, kaons, and (anti-)protons in Pb-Pb and inelastic pp collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV2020/04/29English2
Prompt-fission-neutron spectra in the Pu239(n,f) reaction2020/04/27English2
Large sound speed in dense matter and the deformability of neutron stars2020/04/22English2
K isomerism in Rf255 and total kinetic energy measurements for spontaneous fission of Rf255,256,2582020/03/23English2
First-order phase transition from hypernuclear matter to deconfined quark matter obeying new constraints from compact star observations2020/02/24English2