Brazilian Political Science Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Brazilian Political Institutions: an Inconclusive Debate2016/01/014
A Military-Green Biopolitics: The Brazilian Amazon Between Security and Development2021/01/014
Do Concepts Matter? Latin America and South America in the Discourse of Brazilian Foreign Policymakers2018/11/294
Entries and Withdrawals: Electoral Coordination across Different Offices and the Brazilian Party Systems2018/11/294
Unboxing the Active Role of the Legislative Power in Brazil2016/01/014
The place of normativity in the political ontology of Ernesto Laclau2014/01/014
Women and Candidate Quality in the Elections for the Senate: Brazil and the United States in Comparative Perspective2007/01/014
Politics and Development: Lessons from Latin America2009/01/014
The Veto Power of Sub-national Governments in Brazil: Political Institutions and Parliamentary Behaviour in the Post-1988 Period2007/01/014
Electoral Success and Political Institutionalization in the Federal Deputy Elections in Brazil (1998, 2002 and 2006)2010/01/014
Representation and Deliberation in Civil Society2008/08/014
What are 'Think Tanks'? Revisiting the Dilemma of the Definition2017/07/274
Personality, Political Attitudes and Participation in Protests: The Direct and Mediated Effects of Psychological Factors on Political Activism2016/01/014
The United Nations System and the Process of Political Articulation of Local Authorities as a Global Actor2008/04/013
Justice, Professionalism, and Politics in the Exercise of Judicial Review by Brazil's Supreme Court2008/08/013
The Relationship between Ideology and COVID-19 Deaths: What We Know and What We Still Need to Know2022/01/013
The Deposition of Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo and its repercussions in South American regional organizations2018/03/263
Leaders or Loners? How Do the BRICS Countries and their Regions Vote in the UN General Assembly2017/01/013
Future electoral impacts of having a female mayor2017/07/253
When is statistical significance not significant?2013/01/013
'Break-In Parties' and Changing Patterns of Democracy in Latin America2016/01/013
Accountability in International Organizations: the case of World Bank Inspection Panel (1993-2015)2017/01/013
Activism Among Bureaucrats: Creative Social Housing Work in a Conservative Institutional Setting2022/01/012
Political Competition and the Diffusion of Conditional Cash Transfers in Brazil2012/01/012
Brazilian Congress, 2014 elections and governability challenges2015/04/012
Affirmative Action Attitudes of Whites: Evidence from a List Experiment Survey in Brazil2018/07/022
Public Policy Instruments and Their Impact: From Analogue to Electronic Government in the Bus Services of São Paulo2018/05/032
The subject of social justice: a defence of the basic structure of society2016/01/012
Formal Comparisons of Legislative Institutions: Ideal Points from Brazilian Legislatures2017/01/012
The Meanings of Representation and Political Inclusion in the Conferences of Public Policies in Brazil2019/01/012