Brazilian Political Science Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Political Uses of the Past During the Cold War: Conservative Intellectuals and the Military Dictatorship in Brazil2021/01/01
Parliamentary Supervision of Brazilian Foreign Policy: An analysis of Approval of Authorities2019/01/01
Controles Democráticos No-Electorales y Regímenes de Rendición de Cuentas en el Sur Global: México, Colombia, Brasil, China y Sudáfrica2019/01/01
Routledge Handbook of Brazilian Politics2020/01/01
The Trade Policy of Emerging Countries2017/07/27
Football UN-ited: From the Game of War to the War of the Game2019/01/01
The European Union's Superpower Revisited2019/01/01
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow - Political Ambition, Coalitions, and Accountability as Determinants of Ministerial Turnover in the Brazilian Multiparty Presidential System2019/01/01
Post-Truth and Authoritarianism: Reflections about the Antecedents and Consequences of Political Regimes Based on Alternative Facts2019/01/01
The Coup within the Coup: An Analysis of Competing Discourses in 1961-19642019/01/01
Air Power Meets Clausewitz: Military Coercion as Limited War2019/01/01
Women’s movements and their influence on policies2018/10/11
Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides's Trap?2018/10/11
Erratum: Multi-level governance in federal contexts: the Social Assistance Policy in the City of São Paulo2018/05/21
Diplomacy as an Independent Variable2018/05/21
Can Hashtags Change Democracies?2018/06/11
Freedom through form: Bolívar Lamounier and the Liberal Interpretation of Brazilian Political Thought*2018/06/11
Preparing the Terrain: Conditioning Factors for the Regionalization of the Vote for Federal Deputy in São Paulo2018/06/25
Electoral Systems and Judicial Review in Developing Countries2015/12/01
Causal Inference, Shaolin Style: "Mastering ’Metrics"2015/12/01
21st Century Democracy Promotion in the Americas: Standing up for the Polity2015/12/01
The Capital Mistake: Local Information and National Electoral Reforms2015/12/01
Democracies and Dictatorships in Latin America: Emergence, Survival, and Fall2015/12/01
Erudite Primer to the Constitutional Practice of Deliberative Democracy2015/08/01
Review of Transforming Brazil. A History of National Development in the Postwar Era2015/08/01
Is trade good for development? The elusive question2016/01/01
Reading Freedom from the Theme of Oppression2016/01/01
Unionism, the Decision-Making Process and Social Security Reform in Brazil2016/01/01
“E pur si muove!”: Russell Dalton and political realignment2020/01/01