Brazilian Political Science Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Judiciary-Executive relations in Policy Making: the Case of Drug Distribution in the State of São Paulo2011/01/011
Trust and Political Information: Attitudinal Change in Participants in the Youth Parliament in Brazil2012/01/011
Brazil–United States Military Relations during the Cold War: Political Dynamic and Arms Transfers*2011/01/011
Policies of Space and the Space of Politics: The “Negotiated Expansion” of the Belo Horizonte Metropolitan Area12011/01/011
Empirical Determinants of Government Efficiency: A Study Based on Objective Indicators2012/01/011
Women in Upper Houses: A Global Perspective2008/04/011
Development, Good Governance, and Local Democracy2008/08/011
On Global Order: Power, Values and the Constitution of International Society2008/04/011
Tradition and Diversification in the Uses and Definitions of the Law: A Proposed Analysis2007/01/011
Europe Debates Its Destiny2007/01/011
At What Point does a Legislature Become Institutionalized? the Mercosur Parliament's Path2009/01/011
Climate Change, Denialism, and Participatory Institutions in Brazil: Effects of the Bolsonaro Government's Environmental Strategy (2019-2022)2023/01/01
Following the Trail of Words: Mapping the Trending Topics of Graduate Research in the Brazilian IR Scholarship (1987-2018)2024/01/01
Marx and the Invention of Post-capitalist Politics2012/01/01
Public Attitudes towards Parties in Portugal: A Longitudinal Overview2011/01/01
Armed Forces in South America: The Ambivalent Dynamics of Civil-military Relations in the Context of the New Democracies2011/01/01
At Which Moment is it Possible to Forecast Election Results?2010/01/01
Executive Cabinets and the Performance of Presidential Democracies in Latin America2010/01/01
Strong Presidents, Robust Democracies? Separation of Powers and Rule of Law in Latin America2009/01/01
Coalition Government Budget Policy and Coordination2010/01/01
Governo, Políticas Públicas e Elites Políticas nos Estados Brasileiros2007/01/01
Institutional Inertia and Bounded Innovation in Healthcare Policy2009/01/01
Judges in the Formation of the Nation-State: Professional Experiences, Academic Background and Geographic Circulation of Members of the Supreme Courts of Brazil and the United States2010/01/01
New Interpretations on the Life and Ideas of Raúl Prebisch (1901-1986)2011/01/01
Do Institutions Produce Institutional Change? The New Historical Institutionalism and Analytic Innovations in the Theory of Change2011/01/01
Volta Redonda, the City and the Steel2011/01/01
Women in Motion: Female Representation in the Rio Grande do Sul State Legislative Assembly2012/01/01
The Influence of International Factors in the Process of Democratization2009/01/01
The Legitimacy of Power as an Object of Political Science2010/01/01