Law and Critique

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Bionic Bodies, Posthuman Violence and the Disembodied Criminal Subject2020/11/20English4
‘Burqa Avenger’: Law and Religious Practices in Secular Space2017/06/14English4
Movements, Constitutability, Commons: Towards a Ius Communis2014/11/14English3
Pragmatic Rights2015/06/06English3
The Vicious Circles of Habermas’ Cosmopolitics2014/06/19English3
Heir, Celebrity, Martyr, Monster: Legal and Political Legitimacy in Shakespeare and Beyond2008/12/13English3
Structured Like A Monster: Understanding Human Difference Through A Legal Category2007/05/12English3
Constitutionalism and imperialism Sub Specie Spinozae2006/12/13English3
A New Alliance of De-legalisation and Legal Formalism? Reflections on Responses to the Social Deficit of the European Integration Project⋆2008/09/30English3
The Time of Law: Human rights between law and politics2005/01/01English3
The Critical Instance ‘After’ The Critique of the Subject2005/01/01English3
Speaking the City: Punishment, Performance and the Perception of London’s Public Space 1780--18402005/01/01English3
Levinas, Israel and the Call to Conscience2005/01/01English3
Sinthome Law: Theoretical Constructions upon Lacan’s Concept of the Sinthome2005/01/01English3
A ‘Right to Passions’? Compassion’s Sexed Asymmetry and a Minor Comedy of Errors2012/04/05English3
Ideas of Transgression and Buddhist Monks2010/05/06English3
Blockchain Matters—Lex Cryptographia and the Displacement of Legal Symbolics and Imaginaries2022/01/06English3
India’s Traditional Knowledge Digital Library and the Politics of Patent Classifications2021/06/12English3
The Limits of Critique and the Forces of Law2016/08/17English3
Melancholy of the Law2020/09/26English3
The Work of Humiliation: A Psychoanalytic Understanding of Checkpoints, Borders and the Animation of the Legal World2016/11/19English3
Hobbes’ Frontispiece: Authorship, Subordination and Contract2015/10/09English3
Adorno, Freedom and Criminal Law: The ‘Determinist Challenge’ Revitalised2015/12/01English3
Hatred, A Solidification of Meaning2014/01/19English3
Love and Communism: Jean-Luc Nancy’s Shattered Community2005/12/01English3
Law in abandon: jean-luc nancy and the critical study of law2005/01/01English3
Observing the Breach: Dignity and the Limits of Political Theology2008/07/01English3
Feminism and the siren call of law2007/08/28English3
The Metastases of Myth: Legal Images as Transitional Phenomena2015/05/08English3
Tech-based Prototypes in Climate Governance: On Scalability, Replicability, and Representation2022/07/31English3