Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development

Title Publication Date Language Citations
High Voltage Lines: Hazard at a Distance1978/11/01English7
A Profile of the American Hunter: Stalking the Predator1987/09/01English7
Building the Case for Sustainable Agriculture: Policy Lessons from India, Chile, and Chile, and the Philippines1994/02/01English7
The New-Car Smell1971/10/01English7
Can Comanagement save Arctic Wildlife?1988/08/01English7
Accelerating Progress Toward the Zero Hunger Goal in Cross-Boundary Climate Change Hotspots2018/04/25English7
Revisiting Integrated Coastal Zone Management: Is It Past Its Prime?2015/02/23English7
Ecosystem Services: How People Benefit from Nature2010/08/31English6
The Challenge of Common-Pool Resources2008/07/01English6
The “Nature” of Transboundary Cooperation1999/04/01English6
Perspecitveson theJohannesburg Summit2003/01/01English6
Water Supply and Poor Communities: What's Price Got to Do with It?2003/12/01English6
How Much Food Will We Need in the 21st Century?1997/03/01English6
PROVIDING “BETTER” DATANot as Simple as It Might Seem2003/05/01English6
Establishing Marine ReservesHow Can Science Best Inform Policy?2003/03/01English6
Understanding Why Government in Developing Countries Waste Natural Resources2000/03/01English6
Environmental Science Under Siege in the U.S. Congress1997/03/01English6
Innovative Natural Resource Management:Nebraska's Model for Linking Science and Decisionmaking2003/12/01English6
Reducing Losses From Catastrophes: Role of Insurance and Other Policy Tools2015/12/31English6
Scientists, Policymakers, and Stakeholders Plan for Climate Change: A Promising Approach in Chile's Maipo Basin2016/08/25English6
The Myth and Reality of Sustainable New Zealand: Mining in a Pristine Land2011/10/31English6
Greening the United Nations Charter: World Politics in the Anthropocene2012/04/23English6
Mercury in The Environment: A Volatile Problem2002/11/01English6
In the Wake of theExxon Valdez: How Environmental Disasters Influence Policy1998/09/01English6
Sustainable Trade: A New Paradigm for World Welfare1995/06/01English6
Large Marine Ecosystems: An Emerging Concept of Regional Management1987/12/01English6
Adaptive Environmental Management1986/11/01English6
The struggle to save our World Heritage1992/12/01English6