Title Publication Date Language Citations
M-Estimate for the stationary hyperbolic GARCH models2021/08/10English
Missing value or behaviour: how to increase the signal of social media data2021/07/02English
Commentary on “From unidimensional to multidimensional inequality: a review”2020/03/14English
Commentary on “From unidimensional to multidimensional inequality: a review”2020/03/14English
Commentary on “From unidimensional to multidimensional inequality: a review”2020/03/13English
Building panels from archives: the longitudinal representativity2021/03/05English
Penalised inference for lagged dependent regression in the presence of autocorrelated residuals2017/09/09English
Fisher information matrix of binary time series2018/11/21English
Guest editor’s introduction to the special issue on “Hidden Markov Models: Theory and Applications”2019/07/17English
Comment on “Confidence, credibility and prediction”2018/04/06English
On the exact distribution of order statistics arising from a doubly truncated bivariate elliptical distribution2017/06/28English
Foreword to the special issue on “Advances in Survey Statistics”2017/11/17English
Authors’ response to the contributors to the discussion on “Confidence, credibility and prediction”2018/06/14English
Comment on “confidence, credibility and prediction”2018/06/14English
A recursive approach for determining matrix inverses as applied to causal time series processes2019/01/18English
Analyzing efficiency for the multi-category parallel method2017/12/22English
Michael J. Pyrcz, Clayton V. Deutsch: Geostatistical reservoir modeling2015/01/08English
Simultaneous confidence intervals for comparing several exponential location parameters with a control2014/10/18English
On some aspects of intervened generalized Hermite distribution2013/04/10English
Variance residual life function based on double truncation2013/07/16English
Latent Markov Models for longitudinal data2014/03/20English
Two Bayesian/frequentist challenges for categorical data analyses2014/03/22English
Testing for equality of ordered eigenvectors of two multivariate normal populations2014/08/07English
A multilevel latent class analysis of the purchasing channels among European consumers2016/09/29English
The statistical legacy of Corrado Gini2016/07/27English
Fuzzy post-retirement financial concepts: an exploratory study2013/10/31English
Metron, a century old, but it does not show it2020/07/15English
Bayesian treatment of non-standard problems in test analysis2019/08/17English
A Bayesian approach to estimate the failure time distribution of a log-logistic degradation model2018/06/16English