IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Fingerprint image enhancement: algorithm and performance evaluation1998/01/01547
Finite-element methods for active contour models and balloons for 2-D and 3-D images1993/01/01545
Multichannel texture analysis using localized spatial filters1990/01/01543
Filtering for texture classification: a comparative study1999/04/01542
A Bayesian computer vision system for modeling human interactions2000/01/01533
Shape from focus1994/01/01532
Shape-from-shading: a survey1999/01/01524
Estimation of planar curves, surfaces, and nonplanar space curves defined by implicit equations with applications to edge and range image segmentation1991/01/01511
Constrained restoration and the recovery of discontinuities1992/03/01506
Decision combination in multiple classifier systems1994/01/01504
In defense of the eight-point algorithm1997/06/01500
Unsupervised segmentation of color-texture regions in images and video2001/01/01496
Image representation using 2D Gabor wavelets1996/01/01494
Recognizing action units for facial expression analysis2001/01/01480
Automatic analysis of facial expressions: the state of the art2000/01/01466
Single lens stereo with a plenoptic camera1992/01/01466
Face detection in color images2002/05/01445
Segmentation through variable-order surface fitting1988/03/01430
Visual interpretation of hand gestures for human-computer interaction: a review1997/07/01429
The combination of evidence in the transferable belief model1990/05/01428
Automatic classification of single facial images1999/01/01419
Vision for mobile robot navigation: a survey2002/01/01410
Example-based learning for view-based human face detection1998/01/01410
The visual hull concept for silhouette-based image understanding1994/01/01407
Probabilistic visual learning for object representation1997/07/01405
Hierarchical chamfer matching: a parametric edge matching algorithm1988/01/01392
Geometric camera calibration using circular control points2000/01/01385
A graduated assignment algorithm for graph matching1996/04/01385
Texture classification by wavelet packet signatures1993/01/01382
An optimal graph theoretic approach to data clustering: theory and its application to image segmentation1993/01/01379