IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Does Negative Sampling Matter? A Review with Insights into its Theory and Applications2024/01/01
A Comprehensive Survey on Source-free Domain Adaptation2024/01/01
Randomness Regularization with Simple Consistency Training for Neural Networks2024/01/01
TPAMI Information for authors2006/05/01
Pose-Driven Compression for Dynamic 3D Human via Human Prior Models2024/01/01
Parallel and Distributed Graph Neural Networks: An In-Depth Concurrency Analysis2024/05/01
HyperSOR: Context-aware Graph Hypernetwork for Salient Object Ranking2024/01/01
End-to-End Signal Classification in Signed Cumulative Distribution Transform Space2024/01/01
[Inside front cover]2006/12/01
2005 Reviewers List2006/01/01
[Inside front cover]2006/05/01
[Inside front cover]2006/02/01
TPAMI Information for authors2006/08/01
Cross-Image Pixel Contrasting for Semantic Segmentation2024/01/01
RDFC-GAN: RGB-Depth Fusion CycleGAN for Indoor Depth Completion2024/01/01
IG2: Integrated Gradient on Iterative Gradient Path for Feature Attribution2024/01/01
Transferring Annotator- and Instance-dependent Transition Matrix for Learning from Crowds2024/01/01
Disentangled Explanations of Neural Network Predictions by Finding Relevant Subspaces2024/01/01
Vote2Cap-DETR++: Decoupling Localization and Describing for End-to-End 3D Dense Captioning2024/01/01
Hierarchical Augmentation and Distillation for Class Incremental Audio-Visual Video Recognition2024/01/01
Deep Learning Methods for Calibrated Photometric Stereo and Beyond2024/01/01
VST++: Efficient and Stronger Visual Saliency Transformer2024/01/01
Bridging Actions: Generate 3D Poses and Shapes In-Between Photos2024/01/01
Ensemble Predictors: Possibilistic Combination of Conformal Predictors for Multivariate Time Series Classification2024/01/01
Sensitivity-Aware Density Estimation in Multiple Dimensions2024/01/01
On the Consistency and Large-Scale Extension of Multiple Kernel Clustering2024/01/01
Rotation Equivariant Proximal Operator for Deep Unfolding Methods in Image Restoration2024/01/01
Convergence Analysis of Mean Shift2024/01/01
Meta Invariance Defense Towards Generalizable Robustness to Unknown Adversarial Attacks2024/01/01
Multiview Tensor Spectral Clustering via Co-regularization2024/01/01