IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Discrete Vortex Method-Based Fish-Like Locomotion Modeling2024/04/01
Interference-Constrained Scheduling of a Cognitive Multihop Underwater Acoustic Network2024/04/01
Receiver Enhancement for Differentially Encoded Underwater Acoustic OFDM Incorporating Amplitude and Phase Mismatches2024/04/01
Modeling and Analyzing Water Column Forward Scattering Effect on Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry2023/10/01
Diver-Robot Communication Glove Using Sensor-Based Gesture Recognition2023/07/01
Table of Contents2023/07/01
Particle Velocity Underwater Data Communication: Physics, Channels, System and Experiments2023/10/01
Spatial Interpolation of Wave Fields Based on Limited Spatial Measurements2023/10/01
Theoretical Model and Experiments of Focused Phased Array for Cross-Medium Communication in Misaligned Transmitter/Receiver Scenarios2023/10/01
Light Beacon-Aided AUV Electromagnetic Localization for Landing on a Planar Docking Station2023/07/01
Seabed Classification From Multispectral Multibeam Data2023/07/01
Tightly Coupled, Graph-Based DVL/IMU Fusion and Decoupled Mapping for SLAM-Centric Maritime Infrastructure Inspection2023/07/01
Cyclostationarity of Communication Signals in Underwater Acoustic Channels2024/01/01
Deep Semisupervised Semantic Segmentation in Multifrequency Echosounder Data2023/04/01
Multicarrier Acoustic Communications in Multiuser and Interference-Limited Regimes2023/04/01
Study of a Multicoil Electromagnetic Wave Power Takeoff System With Pneumatic Velocity Upconversion Mechanism Targeting Low-Frequency Input2024/04/01
Fast Estimation of Complex High-Resolution Range Profiles of Ships via Amplitude–Position Bi-Iterative Sparse Recovery Algorithm2024/01/01
Hydrodynamic Analysis of Payload Bay Berthing for Underwater Vehicles2024/01/01
Table of Contents2024/04/01
Compressive Sensing of Cyclic Bispectrum2024/04/01
SISC: A Feature Interaction-Based Metric for Underwater Image Quality Assessment2024/04/01
Design and Implementation of Medium Access Control Protocol for Magneto-Inductive Wireless Sensor Networks Using Low Power Sensor Nodes2024/04/01
Excellence in Review 20232024/04/01
Adaptive Zigzag Mapping of a Patchy Field by a Long-Range Autonomous Underwater Vehicle2024/04/01
An Underwater Glider Fleet Coordinate Control Architecture for Ocean of Things to Enable Transparent Ocean2023/10/01
Optimally Distributed Receiver Placements Versus an Environmentally Aware Source: New England Shelf Break Acoustics Signals and Noise Experiment2024/01/01
Follow-the-Leader Guidance, Navigation, and Control of Surface Vessels: Design and Experiments2023/10/01
Multicolor Light Attenuation Modeling for Underwater Image Restoration2023/10/01
Estimating the Motion Parameters of Sound Sources Using a Network of Compact Arrays2023/10/01
Underwater Multitarget Tracking Method Based on Threshold Segmentation2023/10/01