Christianity & Literature

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Mark Twain's New Jerusalem: Prophecy in the Unpublished Essay “About Cities in the Sun”2006/03/01English2
Interpreting Scripture: Literary Criticism and Evangelical Hermeneutics1982/12/01English2
Midnight Sun1989/03/01English2
Contemplation and Action in Thomas Merton2006/09/01English2
Saussure, Derrida, and a “Christian” Literary Criticism?1990/06/01English2
Mark Twain's American Adam: Humor as Hope and Apocalypse2004/06/01English2
Poetry and Faith: The Example of Elizabeth Jennings2006/06/01English2
Michel Tournier:Ecrivain Croyant?2001/03/01English2
An Idolatrous Imagination? Biblical Theology and Romanticism in Charlotte Brontë'sJane Eyre2006/12/01English2
Book Review: The Skeleton in the Wardrobe: C. S. Lewis's Fantasies—A Phenomenological Study1991/12/01English2
Knowledge and Mystery in Chesterton's The Man Who Was Thursday1993/03/01English2
A Conversation with Richard Wilbur1993/09/01English2
Responses to Lloyd Davies' “Covenantal Hermeneutics and the Redemption of Theory”1998/06/01English2
Christianity and Romanticism: A Dialectical Review1999/06/01English2
The Social Life of Lyric Poetry: Davie, Milosz, Auden1991/06/01English2
I, Mephastophilis: Self, Other, and Demonic Parody in Marlowe's Doctor Faustus1993/03/01English2
Salvation History in Ayi Kwei Armah's Two Thousand Seasons2012/06/01English2
Metaphysical Intersections in Frankenstein: Mary Shelley's Theistic Investigation of Scientific Materialism and Transgressive Autonomy2011/09/01English2
The Earth as God's Body: Incarnation as Communion in the Poetry of Mary Oliver2009/09/01English2
Contributors Notes1981/09/01English2
Travel Grants2013/06/01English2
Note to My Godson1992/12/01English2
“this Cannot Be Said”: A Preface to the Reader of Donne's Lyrics1990/09/01English2
Wheaton Writers' Conference;1967/09/01English2
Mortal Beauty: Ignatius Loyola, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and the Role of Imagination in Religious Experience2000/12/01English2
E.E. Cummings' Pilgrim's Progress1978/12/01English2
Harry Potter and the “Deeper Magic”: Narrating Hope in Children's Literature2002/06/01English2