Christianity & Literature

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Covenantal Hermeneutics and the Redemption of Theory1997/06/01English9
Theopoetics: Process and Perspective2009/09/01English7
Calvinist Grace in Shakespeare's Romances: Upending Tragedy2000/09/01English7
Quo Vadis?: Literary Theory beyond Postmodernism2004/09/01English6
Genesis 9:131985/09/01English6
The Labors of Angels1995/12/01English6
The Outrageous Idea of a Christian Literary Studies: Prospects for the Future and a Meditation on Hope2001/12/01English5
Marilynne Robinson's Gilead and the Difficult Gift of Human Exchange2010/03/01English5
Was Shakespeare a Christian, and If So, What Kind of Christian Was He?2006/09/01English5
Leviathanand the Swallowing of Scripture: The Politics behind Thomas Hobbes' Early Modern Biblical Criticism2011/12/01English5
Loyalty Meets Prodigality: The Reality of Grace in Marilynne Robinson's Fiction2010/03/01English5
Negative Theology in Marguerite Porete and Jacques Derrida1998/03/01English5
Fraught with Fire: Race and Theology in Marilynne Robinson's Gilead2010/03/01English5
The Project of a Christian Poetics1989/12/01English5
Redemption as Language in Cormac McCarthy's Suttree2004/06/01English5
The Contours of Christian Criticism in 19871987/12/01English4
The Dark Night of the Soil: An Agrarian Approach to Mystical Life2007/03/01English4
Crucifix, Communion, and Convent: The Real Presence of Anglican Ritualism in Bram Stoker's Dracula2013/03/01English4
Postsecularism and a Prophetic Sensibility2009/03/01English4
From Resistance to Kenosis: Reconciling Cultural Difference in the Fiction of Endo Shusaku1999/03/01English4
Hawthorne and Sin2003/03/01English4
Hermeneutic and Aporia: Beyond Formalism Once More1988/12/01English4
Interrogations at Noon2001/06/01English4
The Bible in Jane Eyre1994/12/01English4
Why the Postsecular Matters2018/05/17English4
“I’m a man of this time”2019/01/03English3
Anti-Religion in Academia1987/12/01English3
Post-secular Nature and the New Nature Writing2018/05/17English3