Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Democracy through Technocracy? Reflections on Technocratic Assumptions in EU Democracy Promotion Discourse2011/06/01English25
The Limits of Liberal Peacebuilding? International Engagement in the Sri Lankan Peace Process2009/11/01English25
Hybridity and Friction in Organizational Politics: New Perspectives on the African Security Regime Complex2020/03/14English25
Police Restructuring in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Problems of Internationally-led Security Sector Reform2008/03/01English25
Hybrid Polities and Indigenous Pluralities: Advanced Lessons in Statebuilding from Cambodia2008/03/01English25
Resilient Peace: Exploring the Theory and Practice of Resilience in Peacebuilding Interventions2020/05/26English25
How to Assess Social Reintegration of Ex-Combatants2013/12/01English25
Reconceptualizing International Intervention: Statebuilding, ‘Organic Processes’ and the Limits of Causal Knowledge2015/01/02English24
Everyday Legitimacy and International Administration: Global Governance and Local Legitimacy in Kosovo2013/03/01English24
Introduction: Second-Generation Security Sector Reform2018/01/02English24
Hybrid Clubs: A Feminist Approach to Peacebuilding in the Democratic Republic of Congo2018/07/03English24
Mapping the Nexus of Transitional Justice and Peacebuilding2016/07/02English24
The ‘South’ Speaks Back: Exposing the Ethical Stakes of Dismissing Resilience in Conflict-Affected Contexts2021/02/15English23
Who are the ‘international community’? Development professionals and liminal subjectivity2016/01/02English23
Fighting for Liberal Peace in Mali? The Limits of International Military Intervention2014/07/03English22
Life in a ‘Peace-kept’ City: Encounters with the Peacekeeping Economy2015/07/03English22
Civil Society Capture: Top-Down Interventions from Below?2016/06/10English21
Relational and Essential: Theorizing Difference for Peacebuilding2018/07/03English20
Security Sector Reform in Liberia: An Uneven Partnership without Local Ownership2010/09/01English20
UN Peace Operations and Conflicting Legitimacies2017/07/03English20
Embodying Difference: Reading Gender in Women's Memoirs of Humanitarianism2018/06/25English19
Local Ownership as Dependence Management: Inviting the Coloniser Back2014/04/17English19
Reproducing remoteness? States, internationals and the co-constitution of aid ‘bunkerization’ in the East African periphery2016/12/15English19
Damming the Palestinian Spring: Security Sector Reform and Entrenched Repression2015/04/03English19
Introduction: The Limits of Statebuilding and the Analysis of State-Formation2010/06/01English19
Adapting Security Sector Reform to Ground-Level Realities: The Transition to a Second-Generation Model2018/01/02English19
Security Force Assistance to Fragile States: A Framework of Analysis2021/10/20English18
Is the Future of SSR non-linear?2018/01/02English18
Co-operation, Contestation and Complexity in Post-Conflict Security Sector Reform2018/11/05English18
National Interests as Friction: Peacekeeping in Somalia and Mali2020/02/21English18