SIAM Journal on Computing

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Data Types as Lattices1976/09/01English288
How to Generate Cryptographically Strong Sequences of Pseudorandom Bits1984/11/01English281
Optimal Search in Planar Subdivisions1983/02/01English279
The Transitive Reduction of a Directed Graph1972/06/01English274
Planar Formulae and Their Uses1982/05/01English268
Parallel Merge Sort1988/08/01English264
Maximizing a Monotone Submodular Function Subject to a Matroid Constraint2011/01/01English262
Computational Complexity of Probabilistic Turing Machines1977/12/01English262
A New Algorithm for Generating All the Maximal Independent Sets1977/09/01English260
A Simple Unpredictable Pseudo-Random Number Generator1986/05/01English256
The Complexity of Computing a Nash Equilibrium2009/01/01English254
Approximating the Permanent1989/12/01English253
Relativizations of the $\mathcal{P} = ?\mathcal{NP}$ Question1975/12/01English251
The Recognition of Series Parallel Digraphs1982/05/01English251
A Powerdomain Construction1976/09/01English236
Algorithms for Minimum Coloring, Maximum Clique, Minimum Covering by Cliques, and Maximum Independent Set of a Chordal Graph1972/06/01English236
A Fast Parametric Maximum Flow Algorithm and Applications1989/02/01English235
Conditions for Unique Graph Realizations1992/02/01English234
PP is as Hard as the Polynomial-Time Hierarchy1991/10/01English220
Hamilton Paths in Grid Graphs1982/11/01English219
Applications of a Planar Separator Theorem1980/08/01English218
Network Flow and Testing Graph Connectivity1975/12/01English217
An Efficient Parallel Biconnectivity Algorithm1985/11/01English215
The Planar Hamiltonian Circuit Problem is NP-Complete1976/12/01English215
The Price of Stability for Network Design with Fair Cost Allocation2008/01/01English215
Locality in Distributed Graph Algorithms1992/02/01English213
What Can We Learn Privately?2011/01/01English209
Nondeterministic Space is Closed under Complementation1988/10/01English208
Performance Bounds for Level-Oriented Two-Dimensional Packing Algorithms1980/11/01English202
Optimal Point Location in a Monotone Subdivision1986/05/01English201