SIAM Journal on Computing

Title Publication Date Language Citations
An $o(n)$ Monotonicity Tester for Boolean Functions over the Hypercube2016/01/01English
Limits on the Power of Indistinguishability Obfuscation and Functional Encryption2016/01/01English
A Polynomial Regularity Lemma for Semialgebraic Hypergraphs and Its Applications in Geometry and Property Testing2016/01/01English
Nonnegative Weighted #CSP: An Effective Complexity Dichotomy2016/01/01English
Deterministic Randomness Extraction from Generalized and Distributed Santha--Vazirani Sources2017/01/01English
The Power of Sherali--Adams Relaxations for General-Valued CSPs2017/01/01English
Algorithms for Group Isomorphism via Group Extensions and Cohomology2017/01/01English
The Communication Complexity of Distributed epsilon-Approximations2017/01/01English
Online Node-weighted Steiner Forest and Extensions via Disk Paintings2017/01/01English
Nearly Optimal NP-Hardness of Unique Coverage2017/01/01English
Membership in Moment Polytopes is in NP and coNP2017/01/01English
Approximate Polytope Membership Queries2018/01/01English
An Almost-Optimally Fair Three-Party Coin-Flipping Protocol2017/01/01English
Toward Better Formula Lower Bounds: The Composition of a Function and a Universal Relation2017/01/01English
A Complete Dichotomy Rises from the Capture of Vanishing Signatures2016/01/01English
Special Section on the Forty-Fourth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2012)2016/01/01English
Local Correlation Breakers and Applications to Three-Source Extractors and Mergers2016/01/01English
Upper and Lower Bounds on the Power of Advice2016/01/01English
Extension Complexity of Independent Set Polytopes2018/01/01English
Approximating Minimum Cost Connectivity Orientation and Augmentation2018/01/01English
How Good is the Chord Algorithm?2016/01/01English
Approximately Counting $H$-Colorings is $\#\mathrm{BIS}$-Hard2016/01/01English
Total Space in Resolution2016/01/01English
Rectangles Are Nonnegative Juntas2016/01/01English
Minimizing Co-location Potential of Moving Entities2016/01/01English
Mondshein Sequences (a.k.a. (2,1)-Orders)2016/01/01English
Greedy Algorithm Almost Dominates in Smoothed Contextual Bandits2023/04/12English
Tracing Isomanifolds in \(\mathbb{R}\) d in Time Polynomial in d using Coxeter–Freudenthal–Kuhn Triangulations2023/04/12English
Bridging the Gap Between Tree and Connectivity Augmentation: Unified and Stronger Approaches2023/04/12English
An ETH-Tight Exact Algorithm for Euclidean TSP2023/06/05English