Proceedings of the IEEE

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Human and machine recognition of faces: a survey1995/05/01614
The indoor radio propagation channel1993/07/01591
Coupled-mode theory1991/01/01590
Rationale and challenges for optical interconnects to electronic chips2000/06/01589
A device architecture for computing with quantum dots1997/04/01580
Techniques for analyzing frequency selective surfaces-a review1988/12/01531
Iris recognition: an emerging biometric technology1997/01/01529
Active noise control: a tutorial review1999/06/01517
Emerging gallium nitride based devices1995/01/01462
Signal processing with fractional lower order moments: stable processes and their applications1993/07/01444
Vector median filters1990/04/01438
Distributed detection with multiple sensors I. Fundamentals1997/01/01429
Estimating and interpreting the instantaneous frequency of a signal. II. Algorithms and applications1992/04/01428
Error control and concealment for video communication: a review1998/05/01419
Silicon-based optoelectronics1993/01/01416
CMOS scaling into the nanometer regime1997/04/01398
The future of wires2001/04/01397
Interactive evolutionary computation: fusion of the capabilities of EC optimization and human evaluation2001/01/01390
3-D ICs: a novel chip design for improving deep-submicrometer interconnect performance and systems-on-chip integration2001/05/01389
Microstrip antennas1992/01/01387
Energy storage systems for advanced power applications2001/01/01380
Speaker recognition: a tutorial1997/01/01377
Bulk micromachining of silicon1998/01/01377
Flash memory cells-an overview1997/01/01376
Engineering applications of the self-organizing map1996/01/01376
A review of magnetic sensors1990/06/01373
Multirate digital filters, filter banks, polyphase networks, and applications: a tutorial1990/01/01347
Multimedia watermarking techniques1999/07/01345
The synchronous data flow programming language LUSTRE1991/01/01343
Optical phased array technology1996/02/01337