
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Animal food during the Late Prehispanic Period at Sierras of Córdoba, Argentina. A zooarchaeological view from Boyo Paso 22019/07/265
When ivory came from the seas. On some traits of the trade of raw and carved sea-mammal ivories in the Middle Ages2018/10/055
Monstrosities from the Sea. Taxonomy and tradition in Conrad Gessner's (1516-1565) discussion of cetaceans and sea-monsters2018/08/035
The ways of fish beyond the sea: fish circulation and consumption in the Atacama desert, northern Chile, during the Formative period (500 cal B.C.-700 cal A.D.)2019/05/034
Food worthy of kings and saints: fish consumption in the medieval monastery Studenica (Serbia)2019/11/294
Feasting among Venda-speakers of South Africa: the Late Iron Age fauna from Mutokolwe2018/12/074
The use of animals in Northern Mesoamerica, between the Classic and the Conquest (200-1521 AD). An attempt at regional synthesis on central Mexico2016/12/01English4
Plate f of the Gundestrup “cauldron”: symbols of spring and fertility2019/10/184
Ce que les noms des chiens des sans-abris révèlent de leurs maîtres2015/12/01English4
Introduction au système de nomination des serpents en grec ancien : l'ophionymedipsaset ses synonymes2012/06/01English4
Le serpent léontocéphale Chnoubis et la magie de l'époque romaine impériale2012/06/01English4
Symptomatologie des morsures d'ophidiens d'après le papyrus Brooklyn nos47.218.48 et 85 : aspects épistémologiques d'un texte égyptien ancien recopié au IVesiècle avant notre ère2012/06/01English4
Serpents buveurs d'eau, serpents œnophiles et serpents sanguinaires : les serpents et leurs boissons dans les sources antiques2012/06/01English4
L'ornithologie entre Renaissance et Lumières: leTraitté general des oyseauxde Jean B. Faultrier (1660)2011/06/01English4
Camels in Saudi oasis during the last two millennia; the examples of Dûmat al-Jandal (Al-Jawf Province) and al-Yamâma (Riyadh Province)2014/12/01English4
The versatility of bone, ivory and horn — their uses in the Sheffield cutlery industry2014/06/01English4
Commercial zooarchaeology of the ‘modern' era: a survey of attitudes and practices2014/06/01English4
Knucklebones and Other Animal Deposits in the “Cruz del Negro” Necropolis: Possible Phoenician Funerary Rituals in SW Spain2013/12/01English4
Biological and cultural history of domesticated dogs in the Americas2022/01/214
Histoire de la petite mangouste indienne Urva auropunctata (Hodgson, 1836) dans les Antilles: une introduction aux conséquences sociétales et écologiques majeures2021/01/084
Appréhender les catégories zoologiques en anthropologie historique: enjeux méthodologiques et épistémologiques2020/04/034
Archaeofaunal signatures of specialized bowhead whaling in the Western Canadian Arctic: a regional study2013/06/01English3
Camels in the front line2014/12/01English3
Subsistence activities at 19th-century shore whaling station sites in New Zealand and Australia: a zooarchaeological perspective2014/06/01English3
Roman graves and rural rubbish. Animal remains from the Roman cemetery of Halbturn, Austria2013/12/01English3
Pan-grave faunal practices - Ritual deposits at five cemeteries in Lower Nubia2013/12/01English3
Une espèce protégée qui dérange: le Hamster commun (Cricetus cricetusL.) en Alsace12011/06/01English3
What reality for animals in the Mesopotamian medical texts? Plant vs animal2016/12/01English3
Catching tuna in the Aegean: biological background of tuna fisheries and the archaeological implications2021/01/293