Artificial Intelligence and Law

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Recurrent neural network-based models for recognizing requisite and effectuation parts in legal texts2018/03/24English25
Data-centric and logic-based models for automated legal problem solving2017/03/01English25
Automated patent landscaping2018/03/28English24
Artificial institutions: a model of institutional reality for open multiagent systems2007/07/26English24
Preserving the rule of law in the era of artificial intelligence (AI)2021/07/17English24
Legal Case-based Reasoning as Practical Reasoning2005/03/01English23
Bending the law: geometric tools for quantifying influence in the multinetwork of legal opinions2018/03/09English23
Developing Negotiation Decision Support Systems that Support Mediators: A Case Study of the Family_Winner System2005/06/01English23
Building Bayesian networks for legal evidence with narratives: a case study evaluation2014/08/09English22
Organizational structure and responsibility2007/06/02English21
Proof with and without probabilities2017/03/01English21
Norms and value based reasoning: justifying compliance and violation2017/03/01English20
Better decision support through exploratory discrimination-aware data mining: foundations and empirical evidence2014/01/10English19
PARMENIDES: Facilitating Deliberation in Democracies2006/07/08English19
Disclosing false identity through hybrid link analysis2010/02/26English19
Unsupervised approaches for measuring textual similarity between legal court case reports2021/01/04English19
Rethinking the field of automatic prediction of court decisions2022/01/25English19
Evaluation of information retrieval for E-discovery2010/08/10English19
Evaluating causes of algorithmic bias in juvenile criminal recidivism2020/06/07English19
Decision support systems for police: Lessons from the application of data mining techniques to “soft” forensic evidence2006/07/20English18
Cognitive automata and the law: electronic contracting and the intentionality of software agents2009/10/09English18
On the legal responsibility of autonomous machines2017/08/31English18
An argumentation framework for contested cases of statutory interpretation2016/03/01English18
HYPO’S legacy: introduction to the virtual special issue2017/06/01English17
Legal Ontologies in Knowledge Engineering and Information Management2004/12/01English17
Argument Based Machine Learning Applied to Law2005/03/01English16
Doing justice to rights and values: teleological reasoning and proportionality2010/06/01English16
Normative autonomy and normative co-ordination: Declarative power, representation, and mandate2004/03/01English16
Unsupervised law article mining based on deep pre-trained language representation models with application to the Italian civil code2021/09/15English16
An improved factor based approach to precedential constraint2015/05/10English16