Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Multiple-harmonic conversion of 1064 nm radiation in rare gases1988/02/141,068
Triply-differential cross sections for ionisation of hydrogen atoms by electrons and positrons1989/07/28640
Empirical formula for static field ionization rates of atoms and molecules by lasers in the barrier-suppression regime2005/07/13494
An efficient polarization propagator approach to valence electron excitation spectra1995/06/28452
Calculation of resonance energies and widths using the complex absorbing potential method1993/12/14448
Quantum computing with atomic qubits and Rydberg interactions: progress and challenges2016/10/04419
Rescattering effects in above-threshold ionization: a classical model1994/11/14403
Recoil-ion momentum spectroscopy1997/07/14392
Theory and applications of atomic and ionic polarizabilities2010/10/04380
Discrete optics in femtosecond-laser-written photonic structures2010/07/23371
Universal Gaussian basis sets for an optimum representation of Rydberg and continuum wavefunctions1989/07/28366
Dynamics of H2+in intense laser fields1995/02/14364
Two-centre effects in ionization by ion impact1991/07/28346
Bosonizing one-dimensional cold atomic gases2004/03/24332
New plasma diagnosis tables of hydrogen Stark broadening including ion dynamics1996/10/28318
Advances in attosecond science2016/02/22307
Theoretical aspects of intense field harmonic generation1991/08/14306
Characterization of laser-ablation plasmas1999/07/20305
Differential cross sections for photo-double-ionization of the helium atom1999/12/13305
Macroscopic aspects of attosecond pulse generation2008/06/23299
Trapped atoms in cavity QED: coupling quantized light and matter2005/04/25293
Thermalization and prethermalization in isolated quantum systems: a theoretical overview2018/05/14284
The truncated Wigner method for Bose-condensed gases: limits of validity and applications2002/08/21270
A Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice2002/07/03263
Atomic and molecular processes in the early Universe2002/05/09247
Long-range interactions between alkali Rydberg atom pairs correlated to thens–ns,np–np andnd–nd asymptotes2005/01/06243
Ionisation cross sections of rare-gas atoms by electron impact1988/03/28243
Parity violation effects in diatomics1995/05/28236
Roadmap of ultrafast x-ray atomic and molecular physics2018/01/09235
Concentration and wavelength dependence of the effective third-order susceptibility and optical limiting of C60in toluene solution1995/10/28234