Journal of English for Academic Purposes

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Self-efficacy and academic listening2011/06/01English73
Formulaic sequences and EAP writing development: Lexical bundles in the TOEFL iBT writing section2013/09/01English71
“It's like a story”: Rhetorical knowledge development in advanced academic literacy2005/10/01English68
Publishing and learning writing for publication in English: Perspectives of NNES PhD students in science2010/03/01English67
An integrated language and content approach for history teachers2006/10/01English67
Disciplinary and ethnolinguistic influences on citation in research articles2014/06/01English67
Phrasal complexity in academic writing: A comparison of abstracts written by graduate students and expert writers in applied linguistics2018/01/01English66
Integrating academic language, thinking, and content: Learning scaffolds for non-native speakers in the middle grades2006/10/01English65
Academic listening in the 21st century: Reviewing a decade of research2011/06/01English65
Academic literacy and plagiarism: Conversations with international graduate students and disciplinary professors2008/10/01English64
Reconciling top-down and bottom-up approaches to graduate writing: Using a corpus to teach rhetorical functions2007/10/01English64
Rhetorical differences in RA introductions written by English L1 and L2 and Castilian Spanish L1 writers2011/12/01English63
The provision of student support on English Medium Instruction programmes in Japan and China2020/05/01English63
Commenting on research results in applied linguistics and education: A comparative genre-based investigation2010/12/01English63
A new medical academic word list: A corpus-based study with enhanced methodology2016/06/01English62
Contrasting rhetorics/contrasting cultures: why contrastive rhetoric needs a better conceptualization of culture2004/10/01English61
Genre, discipline and identity2015/09/01English61
What's language got to do with it?: A case study of academic language instruction in a high school “English Learner Science” class2007/01/01English61
Developing Chinese scientists’ skills for publishing in English: Evaluating collaborating-colleague workshops based on genre analysis2006/07/01English60
Points of focus and position: Intertextual reference in PhD theses2005/10/01English60
Investigating grammatical complexity in L2 English writing research: Linguistic description versus predictive measurement2020/07/01English60
Pandora's box: academic perceptions of student plagiarism in writing2005/01/01English60
The use of metadiscourse for knowledge construction in Chinese and English research articles2015/12/01English59
Metadiscourse repertoire of L1 Mandarin undergraduates writing in English: A cross-contextual, cross-disciplinary study2012/12/01English59
Learner corpora: The missing link in EAP pedagogy2007/10/01English58
How do writers establish research niches? A genre-based investigation into management researchers' rhetorical steps and linguistic mechanisms2012/09/01English58
Personal and impersonal authorial references: A contrastive study of English and Italian Linguistics research articles2010/06/01English57
English and French journal abstracts in the language sciences: Three exploratory studies2007/04/01English57
Research article introductions in Chinese and English: A comparative genre-based study2010/12/01English56
Taking an effective authorial stance in academic writing: Making the linguistic resources explicit for L2 writers in the social sciences2011/09/01English55