Journal of Physics Communications

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Why does bulk boundary correspondence fail in some non-hermitian topological models2018/03/28377
Soliton molecules and asymmetric solitons in three fifth order systems via velocity resonance2020/04/01130
GGA-1/2 self-energy correction for accurate band structure calculations: the case of resistive switching oxides2018/10/0474
Darcy-Forchheimer flow of MHD nanofluid thin film flow with Joule dissipation and Navier’s partial slip2018/11/1552
Hall current and thermophoresis effects on magnetohydrodynamic mixed convective heat and mass transfer thin film flow2019/03/0647
A DFT +Ustudy on structural, electronic, vibrational and thermodynamic properties of TiO2polymorphs and hydrogen titanate: tuning the Hubbard ‘U-term’2017/12/0844
Effect of annealing temperature on structural morphological and optical properties of spray pyrolized Al-doped ZnO thin films2019/10/0144
The nature of correlations in the insulating states of twisted bilayer graphene2019/03/2743
GENERIC guide to the multiscale dynamics and thermodynamics2018/03/2138
An analytic study of the Wiedemann–Franz law and the thermoelectric figure of merit2019/10/0138
Analysis of Arrhenius activation energy in magnetohydrodynamic Carreau fluid flow through improved theory of heat diffusion and binary chemical reaction2018/03/0138
Floquet topological magnons2017/09/2638
Spontaneous and stimulated radiative emission of modulated free-electron quantum wavepackets—semiclassical analysis2018/11/2733
Generation and verification of 27-qubit Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states in a superconducting quantum computer2021/09/0132
Sticking and restitution in collisions of charged sub-mm dielectric grains2018/09/1231
Widely tunable (2.6–10.4μm) BaGa4Se7optical parametric oscillator pumped by a Q-switched Nd:YLiF4laser2018/03/2231
Source of luminescence of water lower energy than the Cerenkov-light threshold during irradiation of carbon-ion2018/06/1430
Manipulating polarized light with a planar slab of black phosphorus2017/11/0829
Odyssey of thermoelectric materials: foundation of the complex structure2018/06/0529
Analytical study of kinklike structures with polynomial tails2018/05/2128
Magnonic analogs of topological Dirac semimetals2017/09/2627
Outset of multiple soliton solutions to the nonlinear Schrödinger equation and the coupled Burgers equation2019/09/0127
Spin properties of NV centers in high-pressure, high-temperature grown diamond2018/11/0526
Solutions of the Klein Gordon equation with generalized hyperbolic potential in D-dimensions2019/09/0126
A new method to sum divergent power series: educated match2017/09/2625
NLO Higgs+jet production at large transverse momenta including top quark mass effects2018/09/1925
Non-asymptotic analysis of quantum metrology protocols beyond the Cramér–Rao bound2018/01/2925
Recent developments of MCViNE and its applications at SNS2019/08/0125
Design and simulation of double-heterojunction solar cells based on Si and GaAs wafers2021/08/0124
MPTMS self-assembled monolayer deposition for ultra-thin gold films for plasmonics2018/03/0124