Economic Development and Cultural Change

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Returns to English-Language Skills in India2013/01/01English102
Women’s Land Rights in the Transition to Individualized Ownership: Implications for Tree‐Resource Management in Western Ghana2001/10/01English101
Formal Measures of the Informal-Sector Wage Gap in Mexico, El Salvador, and Peru1997/01/01English101
Productivity Growth in Indonesia: The Role of Regional Characteristics and Direct Foreign Investment1999/04/01English99
Vietnam: Decollectivization and Rice Productivity Growth1992/07/01English99
Status, Caste, and the Time Allocation of Women in Rural India2013/01/01English98
How Potent Is Economic Growth in Reducing Undernutrition? What Are the Pathways of Impact? New Cross‐Country Evidence2002/10/01English98
How Corruption Influences Foreign Direct Investment: A Panel Data Study2006/01/01English98
Environment and Development: Theory and International Evidence1995/04/01English97
Transaction Costs, Telecommunications, and the Microeconomics of Macroeconomic Growth1992/10/01English96
Migrants and Housing Investments: Theory and Evidence from Nigeria2004/07/01English96
Children’s Schooling and Work in the Presence of a Conditional Cash Transfer Program in Rural Colombia2010/01/01English96
Infrastructure and Aggregate Agricultural Productivity: International Evidence1983/04/01English94
Urban Informal Employment and Self-Employment in Developing Countries: Theory and Evidence1996/01/01English94
Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: Evidence from Cross‐Country Data for the 1990s2002/10/01English93
Women's Changing Participation in the Labor Force: A World Perspective1990/04/01English93
The Impact of Interrupted Education on Subsequent Educational Attainment: A Cost of the Chinese Cultural Revolution2002/07/01English93
Is There a Child Labor Trap? Intergenerational Persistence of Child Labor in Brazil2003/01/01English92
Another Look at Growth and Defense in Less Developed Countries1983/01/01English91
Interprovincial Disparities in China: Output and Consumption, 1952-19871991/04/01English91
Total Factor Productivity Change in China's Farming Sector: 1952-19891993/10/01English91
The Ethnic Minority‐Majority Income Gap in Rural China during Transition2003/07/01English91
The Environmental Impact of Poverty: Evidence from Firewood Collection in Rural Nepal2010/10/01English91
Efficiency of Land Allocation through Tenancy Markets: Evidence from China2011/04/01English91
Direct Elicitation of Credit Constraints: Conceptual and Practical Issues with an Application to Peruvian Agriculture2009/07/01English90
Can Social Protection Work in Africa? The Impact of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme2014/10/01English89
The Lessons of East Asian Development: An Overview1988/04/01English89
The Chinese Family and Economic Development: Obstacle or Engine?1996/10/01English88
Structural Adjustment and Economic Efficiency of Rice Farmers in Northern Ghana2000/04/01English88
"Folk" Soil Taxonomy and the Partial Adoption of New Seed Varieties1993/07/01English88