A problem of rights arbitration from the Talmud | 1982/06/01 | English | 526 |
Some characterizations of lower probabilities and other monotone capacities through the use of Möbius inversion | 1989/06/01 | English | 264 |
Generalized gini inequality indices | 1981/08/01 | English | 202 |
Appraising diversity with an ordinal notion of similarity: An axiomatic approach | 2007/05/01 | English | 161 |
Properties of a measure of predictive success | 1991/04/01 | English | 124 |
Axiomatic and game-theoretic analysis of bankruptcy and taxation problems: An update | 2015/03/01 | English | 121 |
Evolutionary stability in extensive two-person games | 1983/09/01 | English | 107 |
An axiomatic characterization of the Hirsch-index | 2008/09/01 | English | 99 |
Cores of partitioning games | 1982/12/01 | English | 97 |
Fundamental derivations from decision field theory | 1992/06/01 | English | 93 |
Comparative statics for aggregative games the strong concavity case | 1994/12/01 | English | 92 |
Optimal prevention and prudence in a two-period model | 2009/11/01 | English | 84 |
The proportional solution for rights problems | 1988/06/01 | English | 81 |
Redistribution mechanisms based on individual characteristics | 1995/02/01 | English | 80 |
Dominance solvability and cournot stability | 1984/02/01 | English | 78 |
A new index of poverty | 1983/12/01 | English | 76 |
Experiments with Kemeny ranking: What works when? | 2012/07/01 | English | 76 |
Statistical issues in measurement | 1985/10/01 | English | 72 |
Complete simple games | 1996/10/01 | English | 69 |
Nash networks with heterogeneous links | 2005/09/01 | English | 68 |
Extensive games with possibly unaware players | 2014/07/01 | English | 65 |
Centered graphs and the structure of ego networks | 1982/10/01 | English | 65 |
A simple algorithm to detect balance in signed graphs | 1980/09/01 | English | 59 |
The core of a game with a continuum of players and finite coalitions: The model and some results | 1986/10/01 | English | 56 |
Cournot vs. Bertrand under relative performance delegation: Implications of positive and negative network externalities | 2015/05/01 | English | 56 |
Induced binary probabilities and the linear ordering polytope: a status report | 1992/02/01 | English | 56 |
Axiomatic and game-theoretic analysis of bankruptcy and taxation problems: a survey | 2003/07/01 | English | 55 |
An axiomatization of the τ-value | 1987/04/01 | English | 55 |
Proving a distribution-free generalization of the Condorcet Jury Theorem | 1989/02/01 | English | 54 |
Single-peaked orders on a tree | 1982/12/01 | English | 52 |