The revolution that wasn't: a new interpretation of the origin of modern human behavior | 2000/11/01 | English | 1,287 |
Body mass in comparative primatology | 1997/06/01 | English | 837 |
The evolution of human skin coloration | 2000/07/01 | English | 690 |
Recommendations for age and sex diagnoses of skeletons | 1980/11/01 | English | 648 |
Comparison of cranial ontogenetic trajectories among great apes and humans | 2004/06/01 | English | 392 |
Percussion marks, tooth marks, and experimental determinations of the timing of hominid and carnivore access to long bones at FLK Zinjanthropus, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania | 1995/07/01 | English | 389 |
Nassarius kraussianus shell beads from Blombos Cave: evidence for symbolic behaviour in the Middle Stone Age | 2005/01/01 | English | 350 |
Limb bone bilateral asymmetry: variability and commonality among modern humans | 2006/02/01 | English | 322 |
Early hominid evolution and ecological change through the African Plio-Pleistocene | 1997/02/01 | English | 307 |
Variation in modern human enamel formation times | 2006/03/01 | English | 299 |
Principles for the virtual reconstruction of hominin crania | 2009/07/01 | English | 294 |
Engraved ochres from the Middle Stone Age levels at Blombos Cave, South Africa | 2009/07/01 | English | 290 |
A chronology for late prehistoric Madagascar | 2004/08/01 | English | 286 |
The ‘human revolution’ in lowland tropical Southeast Asia: the antiquity and behavior of anatomically modern humans at Niah Cave (Sarawak, Borneo) | 2007/03/01 | English | 285 |
Late Pleistocene human population bottlenecks, volcanic winter, and differentiation of modern humans | 1998/06/01 | English | 281 |
Statistics of sexual size dimorphism | 1999/04/01 | English | 278 |
Dental microwear texture analysis: technical considerations | 2006/10/01 | English | 273 |
Earliest humans in Europe: the age of TD6 Gran Dolina, Atapuerca, Spain | 1999/09/01 | English | 270 |
The Expensive Brain: A framework for explaining evolutionary changes in brain size | 2009/10/01 | English | 269 |
The Sima de los Huesos crania (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain). A comparative study | 1997/08/01 | English | 263 |
Body size, body shape, and long bone strength in modern humans | 2000/02/01 | English | 259 |
The conditions for tool use in primates: implications for the evolution of material culture | 1999/06/01 | English | 253 |
Sexual dimorphism in human lower limb bone structure: relationship to subsistence strategy and sexual division of labor | 1987/07/01 | English | 249 |
Luminescence chronology of cave sediments at the Atapuerca paleoanthropological site, Spain | 2008/08/01 | English | 247 |
The kinetics of primate quadrupedalism: "hindlimb drive" reconsidered | 1994/05/01 | English | 245 |
An early bone tool industry from the Middle Stone Age at Blombos Cave, South Africa: implications for the origins of modern human behaviour, symbolism and language | 2001/12/01 | English | 243 |
A 14C age calibration curve for the last 60 ka: the Greenland-Hulu U/Th timescale and its impact on understanding the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition in Western Eurasia | 2008/11/01 | English | 241 |
The brain of Homo habilis: A new level of organization in cerebral evolution | 1987/11/01 | English | 236 |
Reliance on head versus eyes in the gaze following of great apes and human infants: the cooperative eye hypothesis | 2007/03/01 | English | 235 |
Unique morphology of the human eye and its adaptive meaning: comparative studies on external morphology of the primate eye | 2001/05/01 | English | 233 |