Studies in Agricultural Economics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Determinants of Coffee Producer Market Outlet Choice in Gololcha District of Oromia Region, Ethiopia: A Multivariate Probit Regression Analysis2020/08/14
Competition Barriers to Paraguayan Beef Exports: An Economic Review2019/04/18
The impacts of the global financial and economic crisis on the agro-food sector of Central and Eastern European and Central Asian countries2013/03/01
Did technological intervention help to spare land from agriculture: evidence from post liberalisation India2013/12/02
Non parametric methods to assess the role of the CAP in regional convergence in Hungary2013/12/02
Terms of trade, capital accumulation and the macro-economy in a developing country: a theoretical analysis2013/12/02
Approaching the service-based economy: regionally differentiated employment growth in Czechia2015/04/01
The relationship between crop insurance take-up, technical efficiency, and investment in Hungarian farming2021/12/09
The COVID-19 pandemic and the EU agri-food sector: Member State impacts and recovery pathways2021/12/09
Climate Factors and Maize Price Volatility in Developing Countries: Evidence from Benin2022/04/22
Access to credit for rice farmers and its impact on productivity: the case of Ebonyi State, Nigeria2022/04/22
Investigating eligible markets for Radicchio Rosso di Treviso PGI: the OMOI method2022/04/22
Consumer perception of Hungarian agroforestry products – results of a Q-methodology attitude research study2020/12/08
The agrarian space of the Brazilian semi-arid region: the dichotomies between the space of irrigated agriculture and the space of traditional agriculture2020/12/08
Koester, U. (2020): Foundations of Agricultural Market Analysis and Agricultural Policy2021/08/14
Smartness, culture and local authority ICT awareness: an empirical enquiry for a province in Poland2013/05/21
Local sustainability in Hungary – an analysis of the factors that determine the low number of LA21 strategies2013/03/01
How does it work for Hungarian food consumers? A medium-term analysis2013/03/01
The Common Agricultural Policy and productivity gains in Romanian agriculture: is there any evidence of convergence to the Western European realities?2014/12/01
Economic valuation of improved management of Dechatu drainage basin in Dire Dawa Administration, Ethiopia2015/12/01
Do crude oil prices infl uence new crop sunfl ower seed futures price discovery in Hungary?2015/12/01
Action Learning to enable organisational change in rural businesses2017/04/01
Factors infl uencing educational choices of Romanian rural youth2017/12/01
Suckler-cow and sheep farming in global comparison – production systems and economics2024/04/17
The effects of trade networks, non-tariff measures and natural disasters on the international beef trade: a gravity approach2024/04/17
Factors associated with smallholder farmers’ financial illiteracy in the context of an emerging economy2024/04/17
Facilitating PLF Technology Adoption in the Pig and Poultry Industries2024/04/17
Assessing the sectoral and cross-sectoral impacts of new European Union broiler chicken welfare measures in Hungary as proposed by the European Food Safety Authority2024/04/17
The profitability of site-specific fertilisation based on Sure Grow Solutions – A Canadian case study2024/04/17
Comparing the impacts of economic uncertainty, climate change, Covid-19, and the Russia-Ukraine conflict: Which is the most dangerous for EU27 food prices?2024/04/17