Socio-Economic Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Electoral rules, class coalitions and welfare state regimes, or how to explain Esping-Andersen with Stein Rokkan2008/10/08English52
An ever wider gap in an ever closer union: Rising inequalities and euroscepticism in 12 West European democracies, 1975–20092014/12/09English52
Acting out institutional change: understanding the recent transformation of the French financial system2007/06/22English52
The effects of labour market reforms upon unemployment and income inequalities: an agent-based model2017/12/13English51
Unequal policy responsiveness in the Netherlands2019/04/21English51
Can activating labour market policy offset the detrimental life satisfaction effect of unemployment?2011/03/10English51
The institutional embeddedness of social responsibility: a multilevel analysis of smaller firms' civic engagement in Western Europe2011/11/29English49
The platform economy matures: measuring pervasiveness and exploring power2021/04/13English49
Who has been regulating whom, business or society? The mid-20th-century institutionalization of 'corporate responsibility' in the USA2014/10/20English49
What do Germans think and know about income inequality? A survey experiment2017/10/20English47
Financialization and the institutional foundations of the new capitalism2015/04/01English47
The institutional economics of John R. Commons: complement and substitute for neoclassical economic theory2006/05/18English47
Supplier strategy in global value chains: shaping governance and profiting from upgrading2017/11/10English46
Tenuous link: labour market institutions and unemployment in advanced and new market economies2013/05/06English46
Constructing conviction through action and narrative: how money managers manage uncertainty and the consequence for financial market functioning2014/05/02English46
Between mutuality, autonomy and domination: rethinking digital platforms as contested relational structures2021/08/18English45
Domesticating the market: moral exchange and the sharing economy2018/02/16English44
How does finance affect labor market institutions? An empirical analysis in 16 OECD countries2015/02/17English44
The US financial crisis: lessons for theories of institutional complementarity2011/01/22English43
A silent revolution? New management ideas and the reinvention of European public employment services2010/02/26English43
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and the Black–White child poverty gap in the United States2019/05/14English43
The sound of silence: which employers choose no employee voice and why?2006/03/10English42
The domestic politics of corporate accountability legislation: struggles over the 2015 UK Modern Slavery Act2017/12/02English42
Antagonism beyond employment: how the ‘subordinated agency’ of labour platforms generates conflict in the remote gig economy2021/09/26English42
Legitimacy in financial markets: credit default swaps in the current crisis2009/11/08English42
Generous in victory? American managerial autonomy, labour relations and the invention of Corporate Social Responsibility2011/11/13English42
Comparative capitalisms and the institutional embeddedness of innovative capabilities2013/09/24English41
A new double movement? Anthropological perspectives on property in the age of neoliberalism2006/03/01English41
Coalitional realignment and the adoption of non-contributory social insurance programmes in Latin America2013/12/29English41
Seeing like a market2016/12/23English41