Journal of Pathology Informatics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Guidelines from the Canadian Association of Pathologists for establishing a telepathology service for anatomic pathology using whole-slide imaging2014/01/01English35
Relationship between magnification and resolution in digital pathology systems2013/01/01English35
Validation of Remote Digital Frozen Sections for Cancer and Transplant Intraoperative Services2018/01/01English35
Performance of CellaVision DM96 in leukocyte classification2013/01/01English35
Prostate cancer detection: Fusion of cytological and textural features2012/01/01English34
Automated Detection of Celiac Disease on Duodenal Biopsy Slides: A Deep Learning Approach2019/01/01English34
Default settings of computerized physician order entry system order sets drive ordering habits2015/01/01English34
Validation of whole slide imaging for frozen section diagnosis in surgical pathology2015/01/01English34
“Meaningful use” of electronic health records and its relevance to laboratories and pathologists2011/01/01English33
Mitosis detection using generic features and an ensemble of cascade adaboosts2013/01/01English32
Peripheral blood smear image analysis: A comprehensive review2014/01/01English32
Optimal z-axis scanning parameters for gynecologic cytology specimens2013/01/01English31
Contemporary Whole Slide Imaging Devices and Their Applications within the Modern Pathology Department: A Selected Hardware Review2021/01/01English31
Improving the visualization and detection of tissue folds in whole slide images through color enhancement2010/01/01English31
Regulatory barriers surrounding the use of whole slide imaging in the United States of America2014/01/01English31
Practical considerations in genomic decision support: The eMERGE experience2015/01/01English31
Isolation and two-step classification of normal white blood cells in peripheral blood smears2012/01/01English30
Guidance for Remote Reporting of Digital Pathology Slides During Periods of Exceptional Service Pressure: An Emergency Response from the UK Royal College of Pathologists2020/01/01English30
Scalable system for classification of white blood cells from Leishman stained blood stain images2013/03/01English29
Conventional Microscopical versus Digital Whole-Slide Imaging-Based Diagnosis of Thin-Layer Cervical Specimens: A Validation Study2018/01/01English29
Medical education in the digital age: Digital whole slide imaging as an e-learning tool2010/01/01English29
Full-field optical coherence tomography for the analysis of fresh unstained human lobectomy specimens2013/01/01English29
Intra-observer reproducibility of whole slide imaging for the primary diagnosis of breast needle biopsies2014/01/01English29
Histopathology in 3D: From three-dimensional reconstruction to multi-stain and multi-modal analysis2015/01/01English29
ImageJS: Personalized, participated, pervasive, and reproducible image bioinformatics in the web browser2012/01/01English28
Deep Learning to Estimate Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 Status from Hematoxylin and Eosin-Stained Breast Tissue Images2020/01/01English28
A gamma-gaussian mixture model for detection of mitotic cells in breast cancer histopathology images2013/01/01English27
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine Whole Slide Imaging Connectathon at Digital Pathology Association Pathology Visions 20172018/01/01English27
Digital pathology: Attitudes and practices in the Canadian pathology community2013/01/01English27
Generative Adversarial Networks in Digital Pathology and Histopathological Image Processing: A Review2021/01/01English26